Legend188 » Studios I Follow (39)
- Slayer_1238 fan club!
- French Café ^^
- The Aesthetic Banner Shop❤(OPEN)
- My chat room
- Do not click on this Studio
- ♡Sanrio Studio♡
- Snufflesthebest's Crafty Corner
- fidget store
- asthethic and kawaii
- -Pastel Land-
- 100+ Boba or mango comp [OPEN]
- Fidget toys and slimes!!!
- non popular projects
- ⌜ ♡ ᵗʰᵉ aesthetic club™ ꒱꒱
- ∞ aesthetic corner ∞
- Steak Empire
- Raindrop’s friends ❤️
- Fidget shop ꒦꒷♡꒷꒦[Closed]
- ⇴riley's office✰
- ‣my mailbox<3
- Mochi chat and add anything
- Friends and followers
- Snufflesthebest chatroom!
- Purple things only
- Add anything
- Add Whatever
- Slime squad
- ♡banner store♡
- Kawaii candys!
- ╰☆☆ Sanrio studio ☆☆╮
- ♥--Cinnamoroll studio!♥--
- Boba squad
- Pet squad
- The Waffle Army
- The Waffles Squad