Mario__Guy » Favorites (22)
- Scratch cat evolution by Penguin350
- The Jenkins Ep 3: Economics (With Colors) by 519KAKe30
- Flying game by Mario__Guy
- Asleep by InfectiousReindeer
- Angry Birds: The Platformer by acduckii_rises
- Movies in Real Life! - Animation by GoldAnimations
- When people use bad grammar... by FunnyAnimationsTV
- Siri ft. Guy funny by Mario__Guy
- Little Red Riding Hood Spoof remix by videogames778
- Vote by A_Clinton_Supporter
- Add Yourself to the BIGGEST race Of SCRATCH!! by HeroReconDude
- 3D Paper Mario Test by Brad-Unfinished
- Ordering A Pizza by Fun-E-Guy
- Mario Theme by Sir_Laughs_A_Lot_III
- Except For the Turkey(Thanksgiving Special) by LightningGuy
- Autumn CE ❧ by Rosyda
- On The First Day Of School AV by Some-Random-Kid
- "What does the Fox Say" music video! by KittyScratch22
- What did siri do?!?! by happydog100
- Siri ft. Guy by Breck-
- The Scratch Cat Platformer by kianna_kiwi
- "SDS Head Bob remix" {fixed} by xXSharpeyesXx