PedroLuccaPazinTV » Favorites (15)
Larva In The Sewer: IceCream by bananarama796
Mou by JONATAN125
windows 7 by KraccBackScratch
meep city by KraccBackScratch
ScratchTube - You Tube for Scratch (v1.0.1) by FANJOUA
The CN Toonix 2007 Incident (Analog TV Recording) by Pougamer15
S.M.A.S.H. Box | An Animation by abc350171666
Angry Birds Scratch (5.2.0) remix by theo_gameboy
OH YEAH MISTER KRABS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by Redmond-Rox
OH YEAH MISTER KRABS But It's An Animation by zvardin
scratch 3.0 shorts: stubbed toe by zvardin
Angry Birds Scratch goofy ahh remix by EmpanadaOverload
sdrawkcaB sI tuB hctarcS sdriB yrgnA by PedroLuccaPazinTV
ABERTURA: OS PATOS (@neoanima) by PedroLuccaPazinTV
Scratch cat factory by Thinkmachine