PitOli32 ยป Studios I Curate (27)
Pong Game
Number Guessing Game
Video Sensing Game 4/8/22
Virtual Pet 4/7/22
Let's Dance 4/6/22
Chase Game 4/5/22
Create a Game
About Me Scratch Project
Choose Your Own Adventure
Fish Game 1/21/22
Midterm Project 12/16
Holiday Tree 12/9
Interesting Shapes 12/8
Pen Extension 12/6
Play, Analyze, Modify
Creative Story/Game 11/19
Clicker/Pen Game 11/16
Pong Game
Number Guessing Game 11/12
Falling From The Sky Game 11/10
Make it Fly 11/9
Create a Game in Scratch 11/5
Practice Story 11/5
10/29 Customizing your story
10/28- Setting the Scene
6th Animate Sprites # 1 10/26