ProScratcher245 » Favorites (28)
- Merchant Man by Real_ZenLogYT
- Interactive Inverse Kinematics Creature v1.3 #pen #art #animations by MonkeyBean2
- Zombie Madness (Ver. 0.0.2) by ProScratcher245
- You advertise on someone else's project (Animated) by -SuperFunnyAnimator-
- advertise by GreenBeanBoy13
- Smithing Simulator by ProScratcher245
- Island Adventure by mister3265
- Undead Coming v1.3 by superalexthe13th
- That's not my Scratcher! (That's Not My Neighbor) v2.6 (WINTER UPDATE) by popsiclej31
- make a sword! by Diasty
- Monster World v.1.2 - PREVIEW by Apfellord
- Easter Eggs ft. TurtleAnimator21 | #animations #stories #art #music by IncognitoOrange
- (Update!) Sketch School - Cameos/Sign up by Bolt_And_Pikachu
- Perry the platypus FOR SPY STUDIO by THETOPHATGOAT
- Untitled-73 by 345-the-savage
- A Mysterious Folder(Story)#art#Games by wealthydude
- Spy Run | #games #trending by charlielow10
- Add Spy OC In The Background! by iloveSCRatCh1123544
- Getting Over It v1.4 by griffpatch
- Work at a Sub Shop (MOBILE FRIENDLY) | GAMES by mknium
- Joystick (Testing) by icmy123
- BFG-50 Test (Gun testing) by ProScratcher245
- Wire Up The Lamp® by Robin-code3
- Shadow Curse by Destroyer_legend
- Pop The Lock | #Games #All #Trending by piyj
- Scratch Stories! Season 1 Episode 1:Attack of Pico! by Jcdot93666
- Untitld Zombi Gaem - 1st Update! by ProScratcher245
- Welcome to Dorktown Ep3 by WhiteMiner1