Ptraci » Favorites (30)
Calendar Banner by Perdita_X_Dream
scratch cat walking 1000 times by myrccar
Generic Profile Pic Maker by Ptraci
Hand Reveal Blockshaded by lemoncrud
New Carthage by -Hannibal-Barca-
Tiffany Aching Block Shade II by -Tiffany-Aching-
Block Shading Tutorial by -Tiffany-Aching-
Third continent debate by Teppic
Greyscale Blockshade Cheese by Teppic
Scratch Updates But Sensible by Teppic
"And then the murders began" generator by Tolkienfan
Horse platformer (possibility dubious) by Tolkienfan
Talk to the Librarian by Tolkienfan
Simple literacy test by Tolkienfan
The nice little lobster test by Tolkienfan
Reassemble the Scratch Cat by Tolkienfan
Talk to Stuff Book Titles characters (WIP) by Tolkienfan
Lobster personality quiz by Tolkienfan
Does this count as 'art'? by -Tiffany-Aching-
Nac Mac Feegle: Block Shading sequel by -Tiffany-Aching-
Witch Test by -Tiffany-Aching-
Talk to Teppic by Teppic
Podcast — Anarcho-Syndicalism as an Alternative to the Capitalist Economic System by Inigo_Montoya_472
Now let's all shut up and be sensible about this for a minute by Granny_Weatherwax
I Hate The New Studio Format by Teppic
Current List of Abominations (WIP) v.3.8 by -Nuggan-
Death Simulator by Sergeant_Jackrum
#RevertManagerRestrictions! by DogCatPuppyLover
Clicker Lobster by Tolkienfan
Be Interviewed By A Lobster by Tolkienfan