Santiprofe » Favorites (54)
- Seasons by gor-dee
- TiroParabolico by jfmateos
- english vocabulary holydays by Enlazatealquijote
- Memory game by gimatt
- Elección de alumno al azar (1A, 2A, 2B) by diegomapo
- Tiro al plato: C, Q, R fuerte y R suave by diegomapo
- Can/Can't by diegomapo
- Prepositions - Where is the cat? by diegomapo
- Shoot at the target by diegomapo
- MEMORY. Prepositions of place by diegomapo
- Spinning Globe by gor-dee
- sistema circulatório by superjonnyb
- The Reasons for Seasons by integrated
- Robohormiga by estamosempezando
- Pelota fantasmal by estamosempezando
- Morphing Letters using Bezier curves by dapontes
- Spherical Mirrors by dapontes
- Morphing Greek alphabet Letters using Bezier curves by dapontes
- Rotating Shapes Interactive by dapontes
- Lune of Hippocrates and Lunes of Alhazen by dapontes
- My Earth Day Game Special (Read Notes) remix by antonio5
- Modelo de test de preguntas con botones remix by aangelruiz
- El comeadjetivos: juego interactivo simple demo remix by aangelruiz
- practica1 by f-cat
- Polígonos estrellados by f-cat
- Caza_fantasmas by f-cat
- Transportes by Tessami
- FelizCumple_v1 by gbermejosanchez
- Sumas y restas en vertical v3.0 (1º EP) by diegomapo
- Sumas y restas en vertical. 1º Educación Primaria remix by gbermejosanchez
- Dibujo de figuras planas a partir de un círculo by gtrebol
- Juego PONG by gtrebol
- Animales vertebrados e invertebrados II. by gtrebol
- Animales vertebrados e invertebrados. I by gtrebol
- Instrumentos de viento: a jugar by jmvalero
- musical instruments by jmvalero
- pong ping by grajaleja
- Algunos lugares by grajaleja
- Una prueba by grajaleja
- Aplicación didáctica con interacción del ratón by crif_aal
- Dibujo geométrico by elmiguelangel
- Vertebrados e Invertebrados by elmiguelangel
- Paseo by Splash2
- Números by Splash2
- Halloween vocabulary by diegomapo
- Adriana by LaHoraDelCodigo
- English_vocabulary_animals by f-cat
- triangulo_equilatero by f-cat
- Seasons Tree by jenfromri
- Baking Cookies Game by xXPine-CutieXx
- Grow your own tree! by coder127
- Happy Halloween Movie by Langdon35
- WazzoTV Halloween Special! by WazzoTV
- Halloween Contest ♥︎Closed♥︎ by Pickle-Productions