ScritchTheScratcher ยป Favorites (25)
So relaxing. by Toothy_Toothless101
FNaF Bella eats too many cheetos... by Toothy_Toothless101
Milk by ScritchTheScratcher
shopping by Carsickchunk488
Pet Llama by ScritchTheScratcher
All powers Thunderclaw's Quest. by Toothy_Toothless101
Scratch Cat goes crazy by ScritchTheScratcher
The Trumpet Doctor by Hobson-TV
Roller Coaster Builder by RokCoder
Never Enough // COMPLETE MAP by Canarysong
Mickey Mouse's quest for money! by Loud_Shorts
gimmie gimmie gimmie (KrennicxDeathstar) by Baqel
Color by number pixel by --Sprite--
Icon Creator 4.0 by ipzy
Ice Cream Head by ChasesInsaneFortnite
Winterland by ProbabIy_Not
Smashy Bird by bwinder
new scratcher in a nutshell by -ABIC-
Lilly Llama's Pom-pom Maker by FrogWithLargeHead
Episode 2. The Damsel In Distress by Fluffy-Worm
- Online v0.3 by Coltroc
IT'S BEEN SO LONG | Complete Emo!Warriors M.A.P by SaveDeForest
Elementalist by alphabetica
smell ya later by TNTsquirrel
LTL No by EmojiKitten