TeddyTaztear » Favorites (13)
- The Red Flag Heist (Demolisher7’s POV) by Demolisher7
- The Like Shop by Demolisher8
- My like shop by mpthetop100
- MPTheTop101's Like Shop by mpthetop101
- Stickman Clicker 2 by Demolisher7
- Prompt 2 by Demolisher7
- Demolisher 7’s Not Controversial Tier List by Demolisher7
- Scratch Battle Royale 7 by mpthetop100
- OLIVE OIL by sonickfan90
- cringe Ocean Adventure by mpthetop100
- Demolisher8's very respectable scratcher tier list by Demolisher8
- Scott invaded your house 2 (Reverted) by Sonickfan90TEST
- stIckmAn CLiCKeR 68 by Demolisher8