Wizardducktv » Favorites (28)
MLGness by Wizardducktv
DAT BOI sound maker by Wizardducktv
When There's no Doritos by Hobson-TV
Christmas Countdown 2014 by ThePancakeMan
remix to stop hacking! remix by Wizardducktv
The Ninja by Will_Wam
Epic Anime-Style Avatar Maker UPDATED! by Clockwork21
coin crash by peguinmaster
job simulator by peguinmaster
internet life demo by peguinmaster
MLG Chicken Nuggets by goatsimulatorboss15
dragon claw detective by peguinmaster
Kanon Kitties by flamingenius
Virtual Horse Game by ilovehorsesnr
New super mario bros by bossprogrammer26
NUTMEG by FifaBoss1
Where is Messi? by FifaBoss1
Mega Gyrados is here!!!!! by Wizardducktv
Centuries - Fall Out Boy by PICreeper
Trumps real identity by Wizardducktv
cartoon network crossy road D by PyA
Cry every time ! by goatsimulatorboss15
Balloonacy: A Classic Platformer by TheCodeVirus
Daybreak Express: Crate Train by TheCodeVirus
Paper Plane by pandakun
Harry potter in a nutshell(harry youre not a wizard by Wizardducktv
Donald Trump in a Nutshell by Catosaurus
Donald Trump In A Nutshell by meowkat123