XanderStar » Shared Projects (1293)
- The NumberScratcher’s are finally done! by XanderStar
- Fine, it’s animated by XanderStar
- StarSoul by XanderStar
- NumberScratcher’s band: part 4 by XanderStar
- ii Bell: ding!…. Uh yeah by XanderStar
- Voiced by XanderStar
- Five by XanderStar
- Todays the day! by XanderStar
- Uh by XanderStar
- Star by XanderStar
- NBB but my fan-mades (23-35) by XanderStar
- Terrible two’s by XanderStar
- Add a numberblock (Better) by XanderStar
- 27 by XanderStar
- Now thats a maw by XanderStar
- If I made fan made nb’s in pre-16 erea by XanderStar
- NumberScratcher’s 0-2 in powerpoint by XanderStar
- What if star was 10? by XanderStar
- a teaser by XanderStar
- Numberblocks Band up to 30 but with my 20’s by XanderStar
- hello T.T.C from NumberScratcher’s! by XanderStar
- AY in: numberfanagram band by XanderStar
- YOU are now there by XanderStar
- And eat some bugs by XanderStar
- Baldi's Basics. All Assets and Sounds! by XanderStar
- Water balloon (why is my ocvilla object here) by XanderStar
- Bed island: update 2 (animated) by XanderStar
- BBFTWP sign ups: 10 by XanderStar
- Bruh by XanderStar
- Even More fan made numberblocks!! by XanderStar
- Another fixaroo! (Xylobone) by XanderStar
- Bed island (fixed) by XanderStar
- Jolly Numberblocks Band updated by XanderStar
- Leauge of Elevens: Fractions (My version) by XanderStar
- Closed. (Don’t love or favourite this anymore) by XanderStar
- *Ding dong* The pizza’s here! by XanderStar
- Space island but I made it better by XanderStar
- More fan made numberblocks! by XanderStar
- Now it’s really a maw by XanderStar
- It was just a nightmare by XanderStar
- HELP HIM! by XanderStar
- Aaa! by XanderStar
- There’s now a debug feature in scratch by XanderStar
- Oh no! star! by XanderStar
- EVEN MORE WORSE! by XanderStar
- Rickroll by XanderStar
- Baaaaaaa by XanderStar
- The alternate universe: by XanderStar
- Ranking all the numberblocks generations sets from 2018-2024 by XanderStar
- I can’t believe my eyes with this crossover by XanderStar
- NumberScratcher’s band: part 3 by XanderStar
- Look Im a object blarghyblargh by XanderStar
- Now I really can’t believe my eyes by XanderStar
- Studio thumbnail by XanderStar
- But the animations are ugly by XanderStar
- That feeling when… by XanderStar
- And now it’s nothing by XanderStar
- Look by XanderStar
- Lol by XanderStar
- Now it looks way to similar by XanderStar