avemandergames » Favorites (17)
- ball parkour the platformer real by woill
- Doge Parkour (Extreme) Please read Notes and Credits by Averchu
- Anti-puzzle by Tetral-
- Gum-gum Platformer!!! by P-P_003
- Gumball Creator by BobbyF
- Gumball Machine by ExperienceSea
- Doge Parkour (Platformer) by Thehack123
- ugh i have crazy hair by avemandergames
- something is grat by avemandergames
- Pen Platformer by RacingAce
- Ninja run by silas6
- TRUMP NINJA by qwertyisabadpassword
- Lava Rush by --Waterfall--
- something cray cray with Damien cray by avemandergames
- cool screen Zoe GW IS ANNOYING by avemandergames
- lolololol by Bluey55
- TARDIS game by ellasc