bibiYesNo » Studios I Follow (21)
- Spamton. G. Spamton Army
- 1,000,000 projects
- ✦Chatify✦
- TerribleGames123 Fans and Friends
- The Kitten Army
- Steady Studio With Friends
- The Official Creeper Army
- Unnoticed Scratchers and more!
- F4f is fun!!!!
- Animals Rule!
- Croatian studio
- The Most Followed Studio in the world
- Propose Projects to be Featured (2/1/2021 - ?)
- Annual Halloween Google search Prank [OFFICIAL HQ]
- [OFFICIAL] TerribleGames123 Fan's and Friends
- Funny Scratch Friends
- Griffhol Studio
- Mobile Platformers
- Animal Kingdom
- please,help me get more followers on scratch