Scratcher Joined 3 years, 4 months ago United Kingdom
About me
-holding the speedrun record for warrior cats tubtastic tomato toothpaste 46m 12s 54ms
-dating @UxeleL
-internet stereotype
-has two cats they are shade and shadow
brother: @bunzobunnyisgood
What I'm working on
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dating @uxelel
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (71)
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Remix this if you care :3 remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remix by BloodXgaming
Rickroll Maker remix-2 by BloodXgaming
your an idiot by BloodXgaming
my outfit for pride prom by BloodXgaming
animate your own gif maker by BloodXgaming
i have an email by BloodXgaming
remix if you love qibli! remix remix remix by BloodXgaming
This user participates in remix chains. remix by BloodXgaming
#fanhasrightstoo lol fan needs to be noticed in the OSC by BloodXgaming
fan by BloodXgaming
by BloodXgaming
say hi to void 1 and 2 by BloodXgaming
lesbeeians by BloodXgaming
6 mufa hnars waaaaaaaaa by BloodXgaming
polled e eil ncgbtdr ids 5:41 im tue murning wxy an k gravong e spriti cronbarry *WHU GAD* by BloodXgaming
i just watched godzilla NES creepy pasta plus the sequal im unphased ( by BloodXgaming
remix if you love qibli! remix remix-2 remix by BloodXgaming
Coloringcontest! Open! remix by BloodXgaming
scratch why by BloodXgaming
remix if you love qibli! remix remix by BloodXgaming
Favorite Projects
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My pride prom outfit by LegolasLord2000
The world's smallest violin by gatomiau8
burned by BlueTheEpicKid
Spherical orbit by haruni459
welcome to the chum bucket by the-chum-bucket
Guardians of Peace Dubbed Auditions!!!! by rhawbaker
1 hour per day on Scratch ;o; by Animeplease7
BURY A FRIEND || complete halloween MAP by SkittlesTheBunny
How skeetols does one be? by SkittlesTheBunny
turtles (horrortale, error, and sakuratale) by sakuratale
remix if you love qibli! remix remix remix by honeydew1012
Marriage 4 UxeleL and BloodxGaming by PrOKiD7611
the scratch 3.0 show episode one: the egg by NINJAgirl229
Tales of Perfectheart but google translated by 9rainbowtails
||-_--_Timelapes Meme_--_-|| by funtime_fun
Hypnotic || REMAKE by OmbraTheFurry2
object horror book 1 by BloodXgaming
Equinox {} Prologue by Blizzy2
Warriors Cats: Tubtastic Tomato Toothpaste by 9rainbowtails
I would advise you not to view, but what the hey, do it anyways by onlypivot
Studios I'm Following
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☁ Cloud Vote Studio
II scratch remake
~Virgo Squad~
*_+WOF Arc 1 Roleplay!+_*
・: *✧・゚:*OC Rp*:・゚✧*:・
tHe FrIeNdLy ArGuMeNt StUdIo
The Official "The Pusheen Show" Studio
⭐✨Scratch Hangout✨⭐
Biggest projects on Scratch! (5,000+ blocks)
Wings of Fire
sketching through memory lane
Tribe of the Qinter Shippers
Dumbpaw Fan Club
Darkened Skies: Twoleg Place
Darkened Skies: Name Storage
warriors: starless skies rp
Studios I Curate
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Untitled Studio
II scratch remake
Code Changers A Warrior Cats RP Main Studio
fan's opinion on infamous creepypastas
Uxelel and me wedding studio
*_+WOF Arc 1 Roleplay!+_*
༺Follow if you like Scratch༻
Intro Contest!
internet stereotype hangout
Darkened Skies: Rogue/Loner RP
Star Wars Jump
the dragon council
@Snowy_Snowflake123 official studio
the lost realm (httyd rp)
Darkened Skies: SnowClan
sketching through memory lane
animatic studio
300 project attempt
BloodXgaming official studio
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