cmcrazy8 » Favorites (16)
ScratchOS by ArchieMonkey84
Mellow's Scratch News - Part 1 by ArchieMonkey84
Robux not scam simulator by IEphialtes
platformer v1.0.30 by dg636
Low Battery by Sterlon
Game website by cmcrazy8
2.5D Pen Platformer Engine by -RISEN-
Aurora Borealis (animated art) by _-Ember-_
I don't even by Zeyphr
Upside~Down: A Platformer by --Destroyer--
Scratch cat gets squashed by cmcrazy8
The stick-man (a platforming game) by Barnabas09
Pac-Man Animation by cmcrazy8
What pet are you? by Alicia9210
Cat maker by Alicia9210
The Food-Shape-Shifter by cmcrazy8