cs3999962 » Favorites (113)
KotLC Fitzphie VS Sokeefe by FitzFanForever
Appel v1.4 by griffpatch
Let's Make Candies! by AquaLeafStudios
Scratchtober (Halloween week 1) by PTImONAN
[UPDATED] Ice Cream Dodge - CE by nakshathrac
Translation Guesser by Benni2007
ROTATE °360 LİTE by ligobul
Trees with pen! mobile friendly v1.2 @PBgames_ by Cool-Coder-games
Let's Make Pride Cake! by AquaLeafStudios
Don't Hit the Orange! by cs3999962
☆~Which Bubble Tea Flavor are you?~☆ by KaylaLu
I Haven't Posted in 1000 Years by sharkyshar
What dessert are you? by mandm246
What Food Are you? by mandm246
What Instrument Are You? by mandm246
Elements Personality Quiz by Personalities
are you a good friend by mandm246
What Animal Are you? by mandm246
Let's Make Pie! by AquaLeafStudios
Aqua's Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe by AquaLeafStudios
Springtime- A song by @mandm246 by mandm246
Rain- A Song By @mandm246 by mandm246
Character Maker! by cats_eat_leaves
The Grammarly Ad but in Scratch by Ommud
Trapped Out in The Wilderness Forever by sharkyshar
SHARKYSHAR fanart (drawn on computer so that's why it's kinda okay but I'm happy with it! :D) by MilkteaBobatime
Virtual cat Zoo remix by 312345
Let's Make Festival Foods! by AquaLeafStudios
Let's Make Apple Treats! by AquaLeafStudios
Seasonal Mouse Trails by AquaLeafStudios
Let's Make Christmas Cookies! by AquaLeafStudios
Taking a Quiz by sharkyshar
Find the Crystals by BetutKhterta
Sledding isn't sledding if you're with my sister by sharkyshar
Christmas Presents by sharkyshar
Ice Cream Experiment! by JazeIIe
Want a Character? by AyerInk
3D Realtime raytracer! by Howtomakeausername
SharkyShar Fan Art | parallax by animatlon
▫⋆ cat block creator ⋆▫ by ArtsyStrawberry
Nimbus - Pixel Art by Equidas
Rapunzel [profile picture] by disney-vectors
Famous Scratcher Fanart by ANgelina_theANgel
sharkyshar fanart by bunnylove376
[blockshades] by MouseyT
Fahrenheit/Celsius Convertor V1.5 by Hockeycat88
Virtual Zoo by cs3999962
➳Mouse Trail Customizer by AnniesCreations
Automatic Table Teller by GlichCoder909
chase by duplika
playing games by duplika
How to make a drawing by duplika
Band Stereotypes by CCAnimates
-- This is Egypt -- by mimo_2008
⟨ ☁ Cloud Scratch Kart v2 ☁ ⟩ #games #scratchkart #online by Lucasliu9595
27LydAn Thank You! Dollify by 27LydAn
The easter egg by sharkyshar
Scratch Monopoly - The Scratch Edition! by PrinceMatthew9998
Platformer Creator by sharkyshar
Saint Patrick's Day by sharkyshar