escandaruwais ยป Favorites (16)
Deleted Hong Kong Battle (My Version) by aidanyeckley
King Kong And Godzilla Sing Oh God No (UPDATED) by MUGENWarrior
Godzilla And Rodan Sing Day Out by MUGENWarrior
Corrupted Godzilla Sings Starman Slaughter (ALT) by escandaruwais
Red VS Giygas (Animation) remastered by Gameloaderfor18
Sinzilla or Monster-G? by MUGENWarrior
Geon Sings Mario Sing And Game Rhythm 9 by MUGENWarrior
Damaged Sinzilla vs Supercharged Godzilla sing Confronting Yourself by escandaruwais
NES Godzilla Creepypasta - This Is Halloween (Marilyn Manson) by MUGENWarrior
Tommy's nightmare escape room by sillypants100
Nes Godzilla:Final Red Fight by escandaruwais
Nes Godzilla PC Port by Homer5678
NES Godzilla by MUGENWarrior
NES Godzilla Creepypasta - RUN Stage by MUGENWarrior
NES Godzilla Creepypasta MINIGAME by MUGENWarrior
Nes Godzilla Creepypasta 0.3.1: RED Fight by Homer5678