fatherpug ยป Shared Projects (37)
Not finished EGG by fatherpug
Flappy Scratch Test v1.0 by fatherpug
The spinning swirling color changing cube by fatherpug
Tumbling Dinosaur Clones by fatherpug
Scratch Cat's Wacky Adventure by fatherpug
Tile Scroll v1.1 by fatherpug
Wheelchair Test v1.0 by fatherpug
Stick Army Platformer by fatherpug
Bash The Computer by fatherpug
Skateboard! by fatherpug
AmAzInG StIcK FiGuRe FiGhT by fatherpug
Thick Ragdoll by fatherpug
Tag by fatherpug
How to get free money, step by step guide by fatherpug
A Trip To Mars by fatherpug
Draw by fatherpug
Draw The Most Extreme Art by fatherpug
Joyride by fatherpug
Red Dot Maker by fatherpug
3-D Tunnel by fatherpug
3-D Clone Trooper by fatherpug
Possesed by fatherpug
Draw! by fatherpug
Rad Beat by fatherpug
New intro by fatherpug
Join Us by fatherpug
Random Drawer by fatherpug
Be hypnotized by fatherpug
Getting Over It Devil cat Edition by fatherpug
Ugly Potato Platformer by fatherpug
Cursed Geometry Dash by fatherpug
scary animation by fatherpug
Fortnite dances that just get old by fatherpug
Escalator by fatherpug
maze by fatherpug
do not open, please by fatherpug