Scratcher Joined 3 years, 4 months ago New Zealand
About me
i love bfdii have austim
What I'm working on
i am working on strachtari 2600,also working on a scratch animated series
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
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Fanmade ava shorts s2 ep.1 "TCO's turn" by FaullFamily
peter griffen wants you to come to brazil by FaullFamily
Bfdi sucker ep.2"the encounter" by FaullFamily
Mario teleporting- super cool filler project by FaullFamily
Bfdi sucker ep.1 "sucker" by FaullFamily
Bfdi sucker reveal by FaullFamily
Find the power of vector by FaullFamily
My Supermobile by FaullFamily
I am doing a country balls RP by FaullFamily
i love my shoes sing deluxe by FaullFamily
B.f.s.i ep.9"trickery" by FaullFamily
Bfdi the movie:trailer by FaullFamily
HUNGER GAMES SIMULATOR mobile remix by FaullFamily
B.f.s.i ep.8 "the vampires find other universe survivors" by FaullFamily
B.f.s.i ep.7 "a nickel and a donut" by FaullFamily
I love my shoes by FaullFamily
B.f.s.i ep.6 "the speaker stopping vampires " by FaullFamily
AMONGUS by FaullFamily
B.f.s.i ep.5"vAmpires" by FaullFamily
Favorite Projects
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Be the 1%! remix remix remix idk by Elizabeth-T-3I
Fanmade ava shorts s2 ep.1 "TCO's turn" by FaullFamily
peter griffen wants you to come to brazil by FaullFamily
Bfdi sucker ep.2"the encounter" by FaullFamily
Bfdi sucker reveal by FaullFamily
Mario teleporting- super cool filler project by FaullFamily
Bfdi sucker ep.1 "sucker" by FaullFamily
the power of bitmap by eman3242423
I am doing a country balls RP by FaullFamily
i love my shoes sing deluxe by FaullFamily
Bfdi the movie:trailer by FaullFamily
B.f.s.i ep.9"trickery" by FaullFamily
B.f.s.i ep.8 "the vampires find other universe survivors" by FaullFamily
Clean memes that ate my shoes by foxwithahotdog
i love my shoes sing by happytigvikatu
B.f.s.i ep.7 "a nickel and a donut" by FaullFamily
B.f.s.i ep.6 "the speaker stopping vampires " by FaullFamily
Remix it if you dont still remember this game by Quocanhfromvietnam
Battle for speaker island:blocky by FaullFamily
Studios I'm Following
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The Digital Domain (Advertisement Studio)
Follow if you got that rizz
New Animation
Kona's scratchcord studio
Follow if you like candy!!!!!
Lie Detector :O
scratch studio
stratchtari 2600 games
skeleton games
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Follow if you like doge
Add Your Scratch Projects :D
✨Can we get to 2,000 followers before May 2nd?✨
✨Follow if your name isn’t Jeremy✨
Blocky Funny Doings Studio
Faullfamily studios
The Series
69 Uzbekistangames
Studios I Curate
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the studio which should have 1000000000 games
The Digital Domain (Advertisement Studio)
Maori chat
Follow if you got that rizz
Let’s get 1,000 projects by the end of 2023
New Animation
speaker studio
Lie Detector :O
The 'VS' studio! ('VS' Universe)
Faullfamily studios
stratchtari 2600 games
The cool studio
Battle For Fame Official Studio!
The Cool Scratchers!
rayman guys
mic fans studio
Ironman studios
Unttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttitled Studio
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