fonzereli » Favorites (57)
Click the banana by fonzereli
Free to use Chat Box (swearing disabled template) remix by noah0102
Free Fps maker kit! by Newbielolz
Dodge v1.12 by fonzereli
Platformer Tutorial v0.12 by griffpatch_tutor
Space Defence by novice27b
Paint by fonzereli
Scissor Paper Rock! by fonzereli
Walking stickman with superpowers! by Newbielolz
Cookie Clicker by Hawkeye293
Recycling Frenzy (Game) by Code_Name_Geek
Stick Adventure (v1.3.7) by fonzereli
Ted and Chris Ep. 1 by Raki-Tak
Ted and Chris Episode 2: The Duck by Raki-Tak
Random Insult Generator by EnergyBlock01
Text Editor v2.4b by griffpatch
School's Out! by MoreBetter
3D meteor by fonzereli
infinite scrolling tutorial by fonzereli
What I Do When I'm Bored by The_Guy_
Big Adventure of the stick man by nyaonyao
☁v4.4 Home Run Derby Baseball☁ by Sticks_1458
Power Cube by Will_Wam
Do not click the big red button! by Scratch1294
parachute shoot by bobuiky
Infection by TheMint
Sanic! (The Gaem) by ThePancakeMan
Griffpatch's Tower Defence v1.0 by griffpatch
Griffpatch's 3D Laser Tag v0.8 by griffpatch
Paper Minecraft v11.7 (Minecraft 2D) by griffpatch
Do Not Run Red Lights... by MoreBetter
My Favorite Channel! by MoreBetter
That's A Deal! by MoreBetter
Stop Texting Me by MoreBetter
Stupid 911 Calls by MoreBetter
Medieval Castle by artemisrules
Calvin and Hobbes The REAL Movie by Crazymotion
It's not just a boulder... by hunkofjunk
3D House by Eriquito360
Don't press the button by fonzereli
Press the Button by ThePlatypusLord
I'M A POTATO!! by ThePlatypusLord
Smack Up [BROKEN] by mikeono102
Boxes (The board game) v1.1 by griffpatch
Beach Ball Bash by Will_Wam
Infinite Scrolling Platformer by Luxturna
Infinite Scrolling by Kileymeister_test
Bob's Adventure by BasketballForLife
Little Robot by CodeLeaf
Flappy Earth Scratch Edition remix by williamsctt
pong by fonzereli
Battle of the Magicians by Brilliant1Loosers
Stamp Act by Brilliant1Loosers
Block Jump. by justinzhou
mind reading wierdo by fonzereli
Duplicate Pong by williamsctt
pong adventures by fonzereli