headolle » Studios I Curate (61)
- ꗃ. ₂₅₂₆ SPOP❕ … co͟m͟m͟u͟n͟i͟ty ❄️
- ꒰ R U NEXT ? Studio.
- ꒰ LUMIX ♡⃕ labels ꒱
- the dream academy ★
- − ⌗ team urbane ⊹.∿
- TEAM D ✨ @dreamacademy
- Spop in your area
- ﹒ tot͟o͟r͟o͟‘s ⺌ tea g⊞rden 人 (wip)
- ╰ ◌ lunette priv. s̲t̲u̲d̲i̲o̲ ៶៸
- LUXIS official studio
- ✶ . ࣪ ׅ the s-pop station ' ⏜
- ╰ ◌ LA⋮VIE priv. s̲t̲u̲d̲i̲o̲ ៶៸
- ↙ triple s lookalikes ——
- fav projs
- ౨ৎ keiro's faves
- yi and cat's wedding u/c
- st⚝rry hang⚝ut
- ❆ christmas chorus 2024 ☃︎ ₊°
- ੭ stan ⵓ yvanna . . . ddusaiz ❤️ ꒱
- ╰ ◌ lunette priv. s̲t̲u̲d̲i̲o̲ ៶៸
- ꒰ ᵗʰᵉ ᨒ 。 ℛᥲเᥒᥡ ⛈️ re̲gi̲o̲n̲ .ᐟ 。。 ୨୧
- ੭ ꒰ b͟l͟ᜊs͟s͟om ⵓ 。 ∩∩ boutique (WIP)
- the lilies to my lotus
- ✄ - ᵗʰᵉ Aesthetic ︵ Link ︵ ෆ
- ˖ㅤㅤ۫ the miffy ꕮ ㅤ۫ㅤ cafe ˖
- badfury , ᘞ — private s̳t̳u̳d̳i̳o̳ ꕮ
- Glow priv studio
- ໒꒰っ˕ -。꒱১ 2024 αᥱsthᥱtic αcadᥱmy
- ᡣ ⸝⸝⸝ ₊ ა newjersey ⯍ official . ¨
- design comm #2
- ☆Lofi Aesthetics☆
- ╭₊˚ aes﹕S̲E̲C̲R̲E̲T̲ S♡NTA ₊˚੭
- zZz. . l͟♡v͟e bites ᶜᵃⁿᵈʸ parlor ⨳ ͡
- ៸ ᥱᥴᥣᥲιrᥱᥒᥴér ᨓ hiᥣls (DONT LEAVE :))
- ꔫㅤ.ㅤstan bella !ㅤ⟡
- PENTALOGY ✩ Contestants & Judges
- [TASK 1] PENTALOGY ✩ Team Viridian
- IWALY Private studio
- the love to my note
- ℋoℳᥱ oℱ staℛs ™ ⎙
- ꒰ ‹ hazy ↻ community 人 )
- PRISM fam ♪
- ﹏ le sserafim ⑅ ℰdit collab ೀ
- ૮꒰◌´ᗜ `◌ ꒱ა ៶៸ dress ᵗᵒ i͟m͟p͟r͟e͟s͟s͟ ๑ : angels ৎ
- The Studio ⟡ Planet: PRISM - The Survival Show
- Team Flame ⟡ Planet: PRISM [R1]
- ꒰ྀི ◞◟꒱ྀི mყ ෧ ⏖ pikmin . ⟢ ू
- ໒꒰ mini͟s͟o͟ ៶៸ ᶜʰⁱⁿᵉˢᵉ ᶜᵒᵘᵗᵘʳᵉㅤ♡
- ୭ ㅤtheㅤcupsㅤ ✧ ˚.
- Untitled Studio
- ᵃᵘʳᵒʳᵃ ᵒᶠᶠⁱᶜⁱᵃˡ ˢᵗᵘᵈⁱᵒ
- ♡ K-pop Fans Assemble ♡
- ⭐ K-pop fans unite!™ ⭐✓
- ꒰ྀི .jᧉllycɑt ५ ͟fɑctory ° ! ꒱
- ❀ ℋeaven sent ‿︵ deli ₊⋆
- ° . ˚ ❛ ᑲᥣι᥉᥉fᥙᥣ ᥲᥙrᥲ᥉ 。ᥴ᥆꧑꧑ ˖◞
- training (essent entertainment)
- ˖ ᡣ ⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚₊ ࣪ ⛄ DressTo impress ୨ ˖˚₊ Garden
- › dni
- ⠀ ˘⠀ crepes ⠀︶ &⠀swᥱets⠀◌ ˚ .