hippo48 » Favorites (16)
- Master Platformer by MasterJosh-Games
- New Super Mario Bros. Wii For Scratch by Brad-Games
- Falling Person (Blender Animation) by Hobson-TV
- pixel people are dancing by hippo48
- music to the world by hippo48
- Pixel Art Shading Tutorial by MCAnimator3D
- running by buildings by hippo48
- bouncing in space by hippo48
- Vector Taco Animations by andrewjcole
- Scratch Wars! The Code Awakens! by MequonMan
- obi wan vs starkiller dark side clone by riopass
- Pixels in Space-Scratch by kittycattywattypatty
- Platform watty-Scratch by kittycattywattypatty
- robots by hippo48
- first ever b-ball game by Itchey_cat