jarredgamer5 » Favorites (22)
- Animation Maker by KryptykProductions
- Maze Starter remix by jade80
- Sift Heads V1 by Astronauthead
- Halo sniping Game by darkweebs
- Partially Realistic Sniper Game (update 2) by ScratchLegend101
- Block Ninja! >1.5.8 UPDATE< by RotoGamez
- TIMER by JoshMan2468
- Turtle AMV by elepp
- RacerX by jarredgamer5
- Cat Race by JoshMan2468
- stickman duel by fordrocks
- Squokes by JoshMan2468
- Rooms: Demo (FULL GAME CONFIRMED) by oromi
- Welcome to Scratch! by fmtfmtfmt2
- car race game by 2stroke
- The Worlds Hardest Game 20 Level!!! hacked by jarredgamer5
- carGame by eRKSToCK
- warzone 1 by jjgeorge
- The Worlds Hardest Game 20 Level!!!(Part2) (世界上最難的遊戲2) by codyd528va45
- The Impossible Game by shadowspear1
- 3D 1st Person Shooter by Breakfast1998
- DONT SMOKE!!!!!! by jarredgamer5