jdfmadeline1 » Favorites (1459)
- Speaker II - Dialog engine by Zodi-HackYT
- Muzik :T by Zodi-HackYT
- [ cheese edition ] a bite of cheese (melon) 3.1 by Mokoldu
- Flexible Pendulum by ivan321
- Game Enemy Generator by theChAOTiC
- Wall Runner Ultimate (v1.1) by theChAOTiC
- Spooky Run (v1.33) by theChAOTiC
- Arena (v3.02) by theChAOTiC
- Animated thumbnail tutorial!!! by 737942
- The adventures of scratch cat 3 #Games #All #Art #Animations by PrimeGuy_1001
- TDSGBV 3D ☁Multiplayer - tower defense survival game by vadik1 by Vadik1
- CloudConnect II by lisa_wolfgang
- Terraformer v.1.3.2 by lisa_wolfgang
- The Emerald Quest #games by sunny0429
- 3D Survival Game (WIP) by Hobson-TV
- Harry Potter ou LGDC ? by --Etoile-Verte--
- Tennis [feat. sharkyshar] by 20mock
- Animal Crossing Quiz ☁︎ by ivypool2
- Animal Crossing Character Creator by Toocuteyoshi123
- Animal Crossing- Scratch! by ipzy
- Just Shapes And Beats by GoldenEagleStudios
- ~ PIXELS ~ by -Deltoid-
- || Husky sketch || by Ms_Mr_Mastermind
- Husky Blockshade by -SockPuppet-
- Husky blockshade by nanaprog
- Chess Minigame v1.5 by Loev06
- Cat Block Sanctuary (Beta V1.3.3) by Real_Phoenix
- Agar.io online 5 players V2.06 by maDU59_
- Minecraft Platformer 3 ✪✪✪✪✪ Games with Earth Air Fire Ice Music animations by atomicmagicnumber
- Stick HERO Real - A Scrolling Platformer by AnimationsScratch
- Car Driving 3D [PEN] v0.7 by josephjustin
- Jumping On Tiles 3D[100% Pen] by josephjustin
- Penman Marathon v1.1 by griffpatch
- Scrolling Platformer Creator [beta] by TimMcCool
- Covid-19 Safety (Animation) by Oozles
- 2.5D платформа! by RunRun_5
- Hello, 3.0 || a platformer by violet_raven
- ⭃ scratch puppets: create your own play! by violet_raven
- Halloween || Platform by -SliverClaw-
- Eyes Tutorial by AnnaHannah
- Evoli et ses évolution !^^ by Sadia_Google
- Aurora Borealis (animated art) by _-Ember-_
- Grassy World A Scrolling Raceformer by leo889
- Rita's run by Plant_6106
- Adventure 3: Showdown by PixelLeo
- =SPACE RUN 2= by PixelLeo
- NEON GLOW - A platformer by PixelLeo
- THE SURVIVOR unfinisched by PixelLeo
- Adventure 2: The Unknown by PixelLeo
- Dragon Wolf (Animated Art) by amylaser
- Cour de guérisseuse 2 by Sadia_Google
- Présentation : Feu-Follet by jdfmadeline1
- What Type of Project Are You? by -redredrobin-
- Cat Maker-Version 1.0-@Alexraichu by Alexraichu
- Ghost Treats by ceebee
- Completed MAP | ♥ | Queen of Peace by Celestialstar
- 9,999,999 MESSAGES?! - Animation by GoldAnimations
- Flashlight Hide and Seek by ScratchCat
- My Animation Process by maki_panda