jlu75 » Favorites (102)
- Random numbers - Numeri a caso by jlu75
- What is it? by jlu75
- How many? by jlu75
- Lettere, numeri e colori, parole del tempo in inglese - learning english by jlu75
- Lettere, numeri, parole del tempo e colori in spagnolo - learning spanish by jlu75
- Allenamento numeri in spagnolo by jlu75
- Actions 2 primary by jlu75
- Speak softly please by jlu75
- Disappearing numbers 1-10 - Tell and write by jlu75
- IN or OUT by jlu75
- Big or small by jlu75
- How is it? by jlu75
- Say what is it by jlu75
- Listen and Check 01 by jlu75
- Canta la nota DO RE MI by jlu75
- Ripeti la sequenza (DO RE MI) by jlu75
- Biglietto di Natale by jlu75
- Tubò tabelline Quercetti by jlu75
- OrecchiOcchio dettato dissonante 1-25 by jlu75
- NON-PAROLE con DOPPIE (B D F) by jlu75
- Lettura veloce parole by jlu75
- Riconosci solo il LA (nota musicale) by jlu75
- Ricognize notes C or A by jlu75
- Riconosci le note musicali DO o LA by jlu75
- 5A Rubri - Il ricordo più bello by ARubri
- Chi c'è in 5B a Rubri by ARubri
- 5C Rubri _Ricordi_ by ARubri
- 2_fallovolare remix by jlu75
- NON modificare questo file by ARubri
- Video sensing touch the ball by jlu75
- Riordina le parole in frasi by jlu75
- NON-PAROLE gara di lettura by jlu75
- Figure geometriche 3 by jlu75
- Parole ed emozioni by jlu75
- Bingo 1-20 by jlu75
- Answer the questions - ORAL by jlu75
- Rearrange the sentences by jlu75
- Recognize letters by jlu75
- Riordina le sillabe in ordine by jlu75
- Compositore di frasi random by jlu75
- Componi la frase by jlu75
- Tocca il numero del colore giusto by jlu75
- Quanto manca per ... SCRITTO by jlu75
- More emotions 3^B Rubri by jlu75
- Sentence generator by jlu75
- Generatore di frasi by jlu75
- Sottrazioni verifica scritta by jlu75
- Addizioni verifica scritta by jlu75
- Sottrazioni orali entro il 100 (da -2 a -12) by jlu75
- Oral subtractions from -2 to -12 <100 by jlu75
- Oral additions from +2 to +12 <100 by jlu75
- Fiaba interattiva Basic SOLO ASCOLTO by jlu75
- Gathering donuts - Task 5b Germ Wars remix by jlu75
- Quick calculations +9 +11 -9 -11 written by jlu75
- Ricognise numbers by sounds by jlu75
- VERIFICA +9 +11 -9 -11 calcoli veloci by jlu75
- Listen and check ASCOLTO01 by jlu75
- Listen and check ASCOLTO02 by jlu75
- Listen and check ASCOLTO COMPLETO by jlu75
- Listen and check TEST by jlu75