jumping123 » Favorites (146)
- Trapped (Platform) by ncats
- The Fall of Rome (9HH Latin Project) by jumping123
- 8Spanish Project: Comic Strip (Electronic version) by jumping123
- Forgotten by geocashing
- Sunny's quest! by 600Studios
- Ninja Runner by Flome
- The Escape From The Raging Chickens! by bengatt1999
- DRAGON BATTLE BALLS 3:the end of time by Alhu
- Bubblo by crackalamoo
- Portal by andrewjl
- Grapple (Platformer) by Aom_Games
- Dropped 3: The (un)impossible by johntanliangheng
- Antigravity 2 (Motion + Voice Controls available) by integrated
- Black+WhiteFallDown by crazyweasle123
- Power Cube by Will_Wam
- Marshall (a platform game) By WithOnions And Diggy3000 by Diggy3000
- Cromwell's second adventure by LilDeuce238
- Snowball's adventure! by Cypher123
- Escape 2.0 by godukego
- Escape by tacky365
- Cubes by burnsj05
- Coby's Adventure by KillZone101
- Blockie's Adventure by LeopardGecko02
- Obstacles by Music-Maker
- Scrolling Platformer Engine Remastered by 900miles
- This Might Be A Game by ImNotMarc
- Propeller dude's adventure 17.12.08 by Boybobka
- Smile Chaser- A Blackswift Production by Blackswift
- Rollo 2 by ricardo45
- Pratum's Adventure by Blackswift
- The Vortex by FatMickey
- Caves- a platform game by anna_lillie
- Cubelet's Adventure by BrandonOuO
- drawn to life- escape the castle by rt101
- The Adventures Of Bob by jasonyau
- The Burglar by SirOdoth
- Total Domination by ironcladgames
- m-o by yopantz
- TOAST ME by yopantz
- Pixel Adventures by LegendaryCowMaster
- Slash3* by crazyweasle123
- Dodge! by NotableCat
- Droplet by sarabara1326
- The Impossible Jump by ScratcherMan13
- Darkness Returns - Beta 1.9.5 by mmijares20
- Minigame Madness! by BitmapProductions
- Flamethrower by Ambidraxx
- OrangePath by ScratchThatItch
- Splatformer by JereTheJuggler
- black ball (parkour) by happyhappyhorse
- Cube-Platform Game by os800
- The Hard Test by EpicincFTW
- The Stupid Test by coke22
- The Portal Box Man by TheBigBlueBox
- Extreme Ninja Parkour! by epninja
- Mario Tower by SirOdoth
- Happy Ball's Space Mission! by MagentaLamb
- Avoid The Fire 2 by Unrealisation
- Cube Game by FadingOrange
- Tiny by mintfeather123