kARSEN607 ยป Studios I Curate (25)
Lesson 3.9 Line Follower
3.8 Line Follower
Lesson 3.7 If Then Else
Lesson 3.6 Bounce
3.2 Race to the Finish
Lesson 3.1 Conditional
Lesson 2.8 Music Animation
Lesson 2.8 Music Animation
Untitled Studio
2.6 Soundboard
2.4 Vector Animation
2.3 Effects in Animation
2.2 Exploring Animation
1.10 Recap and Debug
1.9 Creating A Virtual Pet
1.8 Creating A Virtual Pet
1.7 Dance Party
1.6: A-MAZE-ing Scratch
1.6: A-MAZE-ing Scratch
Lesson 1.5 Mid-Unit Debugging
1.4 Magic Room Cleaner
1.3 Exploring X Y Coordinates
1.2 Animate a Name
1.1 Events and Responses
0.5 Welcome to Scratch