Scratcher Joined 5 years ago New Zealand
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
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render of what it would look like by kakseao
A Tribute by kakseao
just a normal home page, move along by kakseao
DRE | Helmets for sale!!! remix by kakseao
nice afro m8 by kakseao
._. by kakseao
hmmm by kakseao
what it would actually look like by kakseao
P R A C T I C E by kakseao
please do not ingore remix by kakseao
S-2 Animated by kakseao
uh oh by kakseao
that is the bullet by kakseao
MG-300 Animated by kakseao
Meet The New Troops! by kakseao
UOCS AR-75 W&F Assault Rifle by kakseao
UOCS "GG" W&F Gatling Gun by kakseao
UOCS MG-300 W&F Machine Gun by kakseao
UOCS LMG-200 W&F Machine Gun by kakseao
too wide by kakseao
Favorite Projects
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TIME TRAVEL TANK (concept for Tank wars 2 by SHARKGOD101
Portal by FieryChicken
Space Shooter 2.0 by ArceusPistola
Design your own Treehouse! My Dyo contest entry! by SSugar0810
Scratchimals Art by CocoaBean101
Facet by Vectue
Dragon of the Stars by hihimooses
Tobi's wild ride - Hippo's Remix by Castle_Hippopotamus
Talk To Scratch Cat! by JWhandle
sandwich or burger? by UScratchMeBack
A Heated Debate in the S.T.A.F. Courtroom by PArakeetBoi661
Rock Paper Scissors by -SuperFunnyAnimator-
Tetris [100% Pen] but nothing (1st remix wha) by dadert
add yourself running from fluffy pony by yukss
ლ(゚д゚ლ) by cybong
Love & Fave Detector (working) by TimMcCool
Cat hypnosis by maxmalyshev
Eggmarck #Cursed by kakseao
8 Ball Pool by Coltroc
Paper.io High fps!! by nini2009ph
Studios I'm Following
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the leader
S.T.N.F. (Scratch Town Navy Force)
Scratch Town Armed Forces Air Corps (S.T.A.F.A.C.)
Blucat Dynamics
Scratch Town Armed Forces (S.T.A.F.)
Atomic Enterprises
Electro Science | Research Division | 1988
Electro Science | Administrative Division | 1986
Electro Science | Security Division | 1986
Alpha Corporations Army
Official Altofallalts Friends and followers
Alpha Corp. Space Exploration Program
United Alpha Corporations (AC)
Atomic Cores Inc
The Official Kiwi Army!(Fruit NOT BIRD)
Bob Tech Incorporated
Studios I Curate
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Mars Global Empire
Alpha Corporations Army
NZ studios
(ARCHIVED) Doge Russian Empire ¹⁹⁷⁰ |
Pandian Navy
Pandian Paramilitary
Pandian Empire (UOCS)
S.T.N.F. (Scratch Town Navy Force)
Scratch Town Armed Forces (S.T.A.F.)
ESI | International Interrogation Division | 1986
Electro Science | Administrative Division | 1986
The Fall Of Corruption
Electro Science | Security Division | 1986
All Scratchers from Scratch
Atomic Enterprises
Official Altofallalts Friends and followers
Official Pokemon Army
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