lgr4 » Favorites (68)
- Speed Drawing- Project 1- Pineapple by Sweet_Sprinkles
- Scratch Online by N-Wear
- #youarepowerful by Dimondkitten12
- Squishy Squishie GAME! Remixing SAVES progress! by atomicmagicnumber
- My First Platformer by ScratchDonaldmea
- what the by lgr4
- Add Yourself Hugging TurboKitten remix by lgr4
- Summer Heat by TNTsquirrel
- Singers Unite! (A "Real" Show) by chickenpot123
- ♡ The Crush Song ♡ (THANKS FOR 8k VIEWS!) by Glass_Puppet
- fortnite emotes by cwd2
- The oof Song by zel1
- fliping master by moniquenoah2005
- Mama Says Knock You Out 2 by FUZZIE-WEASEL
- The Bob Show by xkv1
- Stop hating on potatos otherwise you get dabbed on By:Cheesypeach by -Cheesypeach-
- Potato Man Dies by SuperCandyLoverKid
- States and Capitals game by Cinnamoroll2245
- CHOCOLATE?? by -CeIestiaI-
- Free Time... by -CeIestiaI-
- Paul Blart: Axe Cop (Part 1) by -CeIestiaI-
- The Showdown by -CeIestiaI-
- party by lgr4
- ❀ Earth Day DIYs ❀ by rainbow_waves
- Welcome to Scratch! by Codeforever1
- Kilorush 3D 2 by Kilonap
- Paper boat (Work in progress)-2 by Noone2008
- The Toast by wildfire05
- The Door by Derble
- Bad actor,Good actor by cs1064401
- it's so fluffy by Lilythegr8
- ITS RAINING TACOS by coolguy4400
- banana game by jtm4
- But I'm Weak remix by lgr4
- Deep Thinking... (Feat. Spy Kids!) by TNTsquirrel
- Untitled-5 by lmr80
- Untitled-11 by lmr80
- breakfeast by lgr4
- i is board with color by lgr4
- Derp remix by jtm4
- The teacher told me to do 1,000 pages of homework by zel1
- ...hey by zel1
- cargo bay chase-2 by jeb10000
- the duck song remix by jeb10000
- Jeffy's convorsation with mine turtle by jeb10000
- jedidanceparty by jeb10000
- Plugin by Dragon_Fractal
- But I'm Weak by ScratchStang
- Names by TNTsquirrel
- Cut this rope by WO997
- Vacation by FUZZIE-WEASEL
- goood by FUZZIE-WEASEL
- house tour by lgr4
- movie(rip hedphone users)new edition by lgr4
- Why I Hate School by TNTsquirrel
- Lily remix by lgr4
- Invisible Walk by MatteoCosmos
- shark!!!!!!!!!!! by lgr4