Scratcher Joined 9 years ago Canada
About me
I wish I still had a bigger reason to stay active, but it's really hard to. I've been going through a lot lately.
Don't change who you are. Follow your dreams. Stay optimistic.
I love you all <3
What I'm working on
Go follow @hkitty2006
Might come on sometimes, might not.
My full bio:
(Because of limited characters, I chose to use a studio to make it infinite!)
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (46)
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[CLEAN] MO3 - Outside (feat. OG Bobby Billions) by m1-_
List creator and checker by m1-_
why by m1-_
Super lag machine by m1-_
lag simulator but laggier by m1-_
Stopwatch but with simpler scripts by m1-_
Turn your Scratch project into an editable JSON file! by m1-_
James' Airplane dodger but with the funny voice by m1-_
CHEES remix remix by m1-_
Crank That - Soulja Boy by m1-_
blank project by m1-_
Boomerang Ninja by m1-_
☁Cloud Multiplayer Engine☁ by m1-_
im back by m1-_
I'm sorry, all of you. by m1-_
Bullying remix remix remix by m1-_
Submit an OC and be in the movie! m1-_ by m1-_
Exposing 1Somebody1 by m1-_
Fun game! by m1-_
Music by x__0 (DJ edition) by m1-_
Favorite Projects
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3d minecraft beta by toblerone108
Pure Comedy 4 by Hobson-TV
The RAM Model by Hobson-TV
Taco Burp | Cloud by griffpatch
Scratch Emulator v0.23.3 by griffpatch
⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛✅⬛⬛⬛✅✅✅⬛✅⬛⬛⬛ ⬛✅⬛⬛⬛✅⬛✅⬛✅⬛⬛⬛ ⬛✅✅✅⬛✅✅✅⬛✅✅✅⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ by wrenchythewrench123
Maze runner by Papakiwi
loo by Papakiwi
20,000+ Followers by griffpatch
Massive Multiplayer Platformer v1.3 by griffpatch
Donald Trump 2016 Simulator by elielP
Photorealistic 3d Renderer by MartinBraendli
Super-fast Text/Binary converter (remix) by Doom_Chilli
Platformer by Semi99999
Hacked Block Collection by qucchia
3D minecraft version 2.0 Beta by Gameongo
Scratch Online by N-Wear
search of the bugs by Gameongo
TurboWarp & forkphorus detector by GarboMuffin
Basic password cracker by cmk1234
Studios I'm Following
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The Chatroom
International studio
Untitled Studio
NPR: Non-Photorealistic Rendering
Will_Wam Fan Club
Crazy Awesome Platformers!
Home of Bagel-nuts, Chez, SAUS, Muffies, and KEX!
Bagel Nuts!!!
The ultra long name that no one else will find
The Mario and Luigi gallery
Scratch Communists
Roblox Gamers United
Flamingo fan club E
Flamingo Sings
Populus Popularity Project!
Scratch's Struggles
Studios I Curate
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The Chatroom
Photo Famous
what do ya think of meh
I might leave, u guys. :(
The NATURE Studio
please dont ignore this invite
Raffle! (Woohoo)... YAY
Jobs studio
Roblox Gamers United
Design Duels
Invite all of your followers please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Flamingo fan club E
Epic Platformers!
Populus Popularity Project!
Hacked Blocks!
1Somebody1's squad
View allFollowers
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