mrbruh679 » Favorites (85)
- Joke Night At SANTIAGO by jcocodril0
- Beans 2 by FUZZIE-WEASEL
- made a cover by ACoverMakerDude
- Bite if it was Glitchi by Glitchiboy
- Me when Tease by Glitchiboy
- Add yourself/your OC singing Toon Tease [0] by 767_test
- spunglejboble (Glihctee borf micks RESAMAKE) by Glitchiboy
- pov, you're a medic main: by student6767K
- pronouns but I animated it by hehehehehehehohaheh
- Flappy Bird! by HyperPixel
- Untitled-43 by Glitchiboy
- A Pizza Tower Engine by scratch-mario
- A box of AAAAAAAAA by Glitchiboy
- April Fools Miller Cover by ACoverMakerDude
- Animation test for a new Floyd by Glitchiboy
- AYS: Deceiver v2 by JoeysStuff20
- Add yourself/your oc singing Deciever v2 by Niklavs1_00
- fU|\|_f4c1.mp4 by mrcheesyman
- I'm going insane by student6767K
- ULTIMATE FORM by mrbruh679
- Fight or Flight: Halloween Remix - AYS by MisterNumber11
- Finale but every turn a different Scratcher sings it by ACoverMakerDude
- me and mrbruh rap by student6767K
- Bite FNATI Mix but Scratch Creepypastas/EXEs or smth lol by ACoverMakerDude
- Cover by ACoverMakerDude
- K by kmartenthusiast
- W by kmartenthusiast
- I by kmartenthusiast
- T by kmartenthusiast
- E by kmartenthusiast
- scratch 3.0 shorts: stubbed toe by zvardin
- made a 2.0 model head and made this out of it by glitch096
- larry. by adriiq
- My favorite Spongebob Episode is: by -_-xInfinity
- HUE 1a: wait, why are we in oklahoma? by student6767K
- AYS: Boiling point (Vs. imposter v4) !!!with cutscene!!! by imperial_dragonbey
- Add yourself/your oc singing Forces (0) remix by sans22sus
- 7789 (Miller but Scratchers sing it) by Glitchiboy
- would u save old scratch cat? by ndale43
- kenmarly by student6767K
- random thing by Glitchiboy
- Mother, I would be most grateful... by ninjakaheksa_test
- Saying Things as TOM_cAT (sorry it got delayed by a year) by Glitchiboy
- Add yourself singing - ENDLESS - D-Sides by setiscl
- New GB 360 (leg update, and fixed)) by Glitchiboy
- Add yourself/your oc singing MILK 2.0 (0) remix by iam_an_amongusplayer
- Spin! by CodeLegend
- shipping moment by bfad2435
- Add yourself/your oc singing Exploitation (0) by SquigglyTuff
- by Glitchiboy
- do you hate bambi? by CPEScratch103
- This user is a teenager by Craula
- cAt.mp4 (revamp) by MrFriedShrimp
- cOmMeRCiAL.mp4 remix by hehehehehehehohaheh
- Commercial Redo (ShutUpJojo Style) by Mr_University
- Circle Simulator. V1.3.7 by Badman1254
- Doors The Movie Unoffical Trailer by Thecreator36