mrcrocker4321 » Favorites (18)
pit by rike_spike
Add yourself/your oc singing Sillier. (0) by LucarioUnite
sent them to the shadow relm by SOMECHEESEPERSON
sonic says by ad-boi
sonic says by no-man_official
five nithgs at redflower by no-man_official
beat up nermal by TWillyH
AAAAAAAAA by LucarioUnite
New song I made by Bobbledoll9
Jasper Fact's Meme Template by JasperJazz2010backup
de by LucarioUnite
d (loud warning) by LucarioUnite
find me by TWillyH
i rate your oc (CLOSED) by LucarioUnite
yes i do watch smg4 by swiftgtec
X goes to Brazil (template) by alsonotTWillyH
DST FAN WOO!!!!111 by Kirby716
my reaction to that information by rike_spike