myhairlineiscool1 » Favorites (10)
- Genesis ExEtIoR Engine remix-2 by Morkeh
- Genesis Dark Sonic Engine by Kidtaleandmore
- The Night Shift at Sonic's [α V1.5] by Freddy3000
- Sonic.EXE In The Genesis Sonic Engine by gamechaserlabs
- LILAC PROGRESS REPORT-- GSUE Ver. 0.1.7 by hahasamian
- Sonic The Hedgehog in Scratch (v0.13.2) by HogeezHoagies
- Sonic 7 Engine ( modern adventure sonic) ( done) by cooleflash1
- Genesis Sonic Engine 2.0 (DROPDASH) by ThatRandomSonic
- Genesis Classic Knuckles Engine (Ver 1.3) by MunchJrGames
- Adventure Sonic Engine{broken} copy by myhairlineiscool1