nicholas_wb » Favorites (28)
- DRAWING THINGY by bookworm778
- Unbeatable Computer - Pong by nwkaty
- Unbeatable Computer - Pong Multiplayer by nwkaty
- starcraft plus no gas and infinity money by nicholas_wb
- Starcraft Defense remix by nwkaty
- Test Your Math IQ by nwkaty
- Chess engine remix by nwkaty
- Pokemon Battle test scratch by J42
- Cat and mouse catcher! by nicholas_wb
- Hit it by nwkaty
- Calculator-2 by nwkaty
- The Calculator by nwkaty
- Translator by nwkaty
- My calendar by nicholas_wb
- MathMinute by nicholas_wb
- MathMinute by nwkaty
- Online chat program(for online chatting with friends only) v.12 by nwkaty
- Rainbow shark!! remix remake by nicholas_wb
- zoom clicker by nicholas_wb
- potato clicker by Hambager
- Minecraft Mario Platformer 2 ✪✪✪✪✪✪ Epic mobile friendly ready games with animations and music! by atomicmagicnumber
- spells by nicholas_wb
- Chat program-2 by nwkaty
- Dinosaur dancing by nicholas_wb
- grassland a multiplayer scrolling platformer server 3 by dn_scrtch
- pong on scratch by nicholas_wb
- move the cat by nicholas_wb
- smart Retro Robot by nicholas_wb