ozholmes » Shared Projects (37)
- realistic tree by ozholmes
- scratch cat has surgery by ozholmes
- Crystal Ball by ozholmes
- light show by ozholmes
- force simulator by ozholmes
- random art generator by ozholmes
- 1st year of scratch by ozholmes
- 3d engine for real by ozholmes
- [remix challenge] 1 line 'morphing' graph remix-2 by ozholmes
- [remix challenge] 1 line 'morphing' graph remix by ozholmes
- zoom spin by ozholmes
- Catapult physics simulator 2015 remix by ozholmes
- pong game (my brother made this) by ozholmes
- Untitled-62 by ozholmes
- car smash up physics by ozholmes
- 2D CAR PHYSICS remix by ozholmes
- Untitled-53 by ozholmes
- English | 3D Pen Intro Starter remix by ozholmes
- Mycelium(and mushroom) growth realistic remix by ozholmes
- 3d graphics tube or something by ozholmes
- only 12 blocks 3d by ozholmes
- Cool Balls Thingy - #3: Rainbow 3D Sphere remix by ozholmes
- Just 20 blocks of code remix by ozholmes
- Untitled-44 by ozholmes
- 3d illusion by ozholmes
- Untitled-17 by ozholmes
- mess by ozholmes
- super scratch cat platformer deluxe by ozholmes
- spread the virus by ozholmes
- ghost busters by ozholmes by ozholmes
- spot the difference by ozholmes
- pong game by ozholmes
- chase by ozholmes
- circle by ozholmes
- Translate into English by ozholmes
- Translate into French by ozholmes
- Random draw by ozholmes