playing_bager » Shared Projects (11)
- The NightMares -- Demo-- real six hours by playing_bager
- find all the odd ball-dash players by playing_bager
- why not to fight by playing_bager
- dont let the ballon touch the ground!!! by playing_bager
- find the orange star (5 minute challenge/ 5 people) by playing_bager
- SCRATCH-ING (a relaxing game) by playing_bager
- scratch Tutorial be like by playing_bager
- ball - dash - beta release by playing_bager
- cube-ing (a relaxing game) by playing_bager
- jumpy by playing_bager
- bager-runner \\⚠️platformer - not moving backgroun⚠️// \\⚠️beta⚠️// by playing_bager