primaryicttech » Shared Projects (118)
- Funds of identity example by primaryicttech
- Dodgeball with new avatar by primaryicttech
- Carol of the Bells WIP by primaryicttech
- Carol of the Bells by primaryicttech
- Fruit salad remix by primaryicttech
- Electricity generation - my version by primaryicttech
- Save the shark - my version by primaryicttech
- Tinkering example - counting by primaryicttech
- Skill sorting game remix (no Scratch accounts) by primaryicttech
- Skill sorting game remix (Scratch accounts) by primaryicttech
- Gumball's Glitchy Day by primaryicttech
- GoT chatbot by primaryicttech
- Sol LeWitt painting loops version by primaryicttech
- Sol LeWitt painting basic version by primaryicttech
- BTT Step 2.2 Drawing a square by primaryicttech
- 1.16 Challenge: Coding a Joke by primaryicttech
- 215 Walking Sprites by primaryicttech
- 4.6 Making a quiz by primaryicttech
- 4.5 Capital cities quiz demo by primaryicttech
- 3.7 Voting app solution by primaryicttech
- 3.4 Voting app demo by primaryicttech
- 3.5 Creating a voting app by primaryicttech
- 2.8 Coding Frere Jacques by primaryicttech
- 2.10 Frere Jacques solution by primaryicttech
- 3.15 Ghost catcher game by primaryicttech
- 3.14 Ghost catcher game demo by primaryicttech
- 2.7 Frere Jacques song demo by primaryicttech
- 2.4 Repetition in art by primaryicttech
- 1.21 Food maze solution by primaryicttech
- 1.20 Food maze by primaryicttech
- 1.15 Knock knock joke demo by primaryicttech
- 3.10 Creating a story by primaryicttech
- 4.10 Classifying animals by primaryicttech
- Lists and variables by primaryicttech
- 4.9 Animal classification video by primaryicttech
- 3.9 Story Time demo by primaryicttech
- I did it!! by primaryicttech
- The international language of love by primaryicttech
- Valentines busters by primaryicttech
- Lost in space by primaryicttech
- Translating and text to speech by primaryicttech
- My rock band by primaryicttech
- Binary Hero completed by primaryicttech
- Flappy Parrot completed by primaryicttech
- Line Up completed by primaryicttech
- Guess the flag completed by primaryicttech
- Flower generator completed by primaryicttech
- Cats completed by primaryicttech
- Chatbot completed by primaryicttech
- Rock band completed by primaryicttech
- Boat race completed by primaryicttech
- Paint Box completed by primaryicttech
- Ghostbusters completed by primaryicttech
- Memory completed by primaryicttech
- Create your own world completed by primaryicttech
- Clone Wars completed by primaryicttech
- Brain game completed by primaryicttech
- Dodgeball Primary CARs by primaryicttech
- Catch the Dots completed by primaryicttech
- Lost in Space completed by primaryicttech