roxasXsora » Shared Projects (10)
- foxy by roxasXsora
- cute bonnie by roxasXsora
- Anime character maker (girl) remix by roxasXsora
- Five Night's at Freddy's Scene Maker Updated! remix by roxasXsora
- Five Nights At Scratch version 1.7 remix by roxasXsora
- Five Nights at Freddy's 2 v.12 remix by roxasXsora
- busyboyboy's (five nights at candy's v1.0.0) remix by roxasXsora
- WHAT IS LOVE? with stitch,draco and buggy by roxasXsora
- Freddy Fazbear and Friends dressup remix by roxasXsora
- Five Nights At Freddy's 4 V.1.5 remix by roxasXsora