scratchusername40 » Favorites (65)
- Cross Project Communication - Sender by completeness
- Cross Project Communication - Receiver by completeness
- Robo Rafa by catliker
- Robo hoda by PianoGiraffe
- Scratch Columbus Day logo by YAYALEC
- Sine visualization by scratchusername40
- Untitled-1 by griffpatch
- Japan Pride by -PeregrineFalcon-
- The Luckiest Scratcher v1.0 by griffpatch
- These blocks aren't supposed to be here... by scratchusername40
- Orbiting Balls 2 with pen by scratchusername40
- Orbiting Balls 2 by scratchusername40
- Orbiting Ball with pen by scratchusername40
- Pen Lines by scratchusername40
- A Teaser by scratchusername40
- Orbiting Balls by scratchusername40
- Dots by scratchusername40
- 100% Pen Square by scratchusername40
- Bomberman v1.0 by griffpatch
- Massive Multiplayer Platformer v1.3 by griffpatch
- Refrigerator story by PianoGiraffe
- Scratch Comment Authentication by scratchusernameforty
- Lists inside of lists by scratchusername40
- 3x+1 by scratchusername40
- Factorial by scratchusername40
- 100% Pen Ping Pong by scratchusername40
- 6-Line Variable Word Processor by scratchusername40
- Smooth Rotation by scratchusername40
- Hacked Shadowed Blocks by scratchusername40
- Starting a project before the flag is clicked by scratchusername40
- Cloud List by scratchusername40
- ☁ Variable Encoding and Decoding by scratchusername40
- Another Hacked Scratch Block by scratchusername40
- 100% Pen Filled Shape by scratchusername40
- Email outage by scratchusername40
- How many Variables can a Scratch Project Have? by scratchusername40
- Griffpatch's 250k Follower by scratchusername40
- Live Counter - Count to 10 Million by scratchusername40
- Lottery by scratchusername40
- 100% Pen Mouse Trails 4 by scratchusername40
- Balance the Board - A Game by scratchusername40
- Timer Engine v1.7 by scratchusername40
- Clock by scratchusername40
- Freeze Ray - A Mobile-Friendly Game by scratchusername40
- Separating Words by scratchusername40
- Translator by scratchusername40
- Pen Lightning Simulator by scratchusername40
- Recursive Pen Animation 2 by scratchusername40
- Bug Squisher by scratchusername40
- Blowing Rain by scratchusername40
- Depth test by scratchusername40
- Maple Leaf Tapper by scratchusername40
- Cloud Multiplayer Test by scratchusername40
- Blue - A 100% Pen Game by scratchusername40
- Spinner by scratchusername40
- Fireworks by scratchusername40
- Dynamic Lighting Engine by scratchusername40
- Fun With Fractals by scratchusername40
- Simple Line Follower by scratchusername40
- More Fun With Clones by scratchusername40