shardiya1 » Favorites (62)
- flying kitty adventure by gamerbro1000000
- 450th Project - Isocolies Triangle Generator by rduranjay
- Warped - A Scrolling Platformer by shardiya1
- 2 player battle by fnfgodboy
- Mariocraft : 1-Year Anniversary Art! by shardiya1
- Don't Stop, Keep On Movin' By Rduranjay! by rduranjay
- Cat And Penguin Season 2, Episode 3 (Episode 12)! by rduranjay
- Mariocraft 2 - The Nether - A Platformer #games #all #art #animations by shardiya1
- PROTECT NEWYORK by -Saul_Goodman-
- Cat And Penguin Season 2! (Episode 10!) by rduranjay
- Mariocraft 2 Trailer! by shardiya1
- Mariocraft : The Lost Levels - A Platformer by shardiya1
- (UNFINISHED) Super Mario Bros. 3Mastered by triangle5820
- Snowblown | A Multiplayer Scrolling Platformer | 9 month special by sciencedolphin9
- Contra survival by Lucas919
- Nature's Valley by rmanocha
- Mariocraft - A Platformer by shardiya1
- SHARDIYA'S INTRO by shardiya1
- The Blue Ringed Octopus! (Interactive) by rduranjay
- Interactive Indian Music 2! For mobile! Plus More Music! by rduranjay
- Interactive Indian Music 2! by shardiya1
- Super Mario Land 2 : 6 Golden Coins by shardiya1
- Mario Invaders! by atomicmagicnumber
- Untitled Project!!! by rduranjay
- Interactive Indian Music! by rduranjay
- Old Shardiya's Classics : CATCH THE STAR FIXED V 1.5!!!!! by rduranjay
- MARIO HAS COVID - 19! V 2.0!!!! by rduranjay
- Interactive Indian Music! by shardiya1
- Super Mario Land For touch with Colours! by rduranjay
- 215th Project! by rduranjay
- Donkey Kong for touch by rduranjay
- India by rmanocha
- Krazy Kat! remix remix by rduranjay
- Krazy Kat! remix by thariraam
- Loading... remix by rduranjay
- down the river by thariraam
- INVISIBLE BALLOON by rduranjay
- ninja cat by rmanocha
- Sound Effect Buttons! by rduranjay
- Scratch Week!...WAIT WHAT?! remix by rduranjay
- Fast by rduranjay
- Harder version of Truck Driver! by rmanocha
- Truck Driver! remix by rduranjay
- INDIA Quiz by rmanocha
- race to the finish by shardiya
- Fine! by thariraam
- NO! by rduranjay
- NO!! by jkenyi1
- Tundra movie remix remix by rduranjay
- Squiggle by rduranjay
- Crossy Road by rmanocha
- 100th project YAY!!! by rduranjay
- CD by rduranjay
- Mister Mega Improved by rmanocha
- CATCH THE STAR! remix by rduranjay
- Music buttons impossibe!!!!!! by rduranjay
- Ping pong! by thariraam
- house stack! by thariraam
- Oh No!!!! by thariraam