unmissable » Studios I Follow (55)
- Every Single Griffpatcher
- (DEAD) the most epicist notebook studio EVER
- Anti Project 2025 information/ discussion studio
- The SteichFamily
- The (not currently) Christmas Hats
- Left wing Anarchists
- mcyt - hermitcraft, empires and friends
- 1
- ꧁ GWDFI (Griffpatchers Who Don´t Fit In꧂
- The URL Milestone Rally Part 11
- TMS’s 1K Followers Party
- Veteran Scratchers
- the patoverse
- The 2023 Scratch Awards Ceremony
- Birdbird's presidential campaign!
- Old persons home for Gen Zers ☹️☹️[WIP ☹️☹️☹️]
- a man running with two bags of money in his hands
- Back-Up Forums
- follow this studio if u pushed a door that said pull
- Scratch Account Rarity Scale (SARS)
- Ancient griffpatchers studio ඞ
- Don't read this studio's description.
- Cat
- | Elaruuian hangout |
- notebook (bobcat0701)
- mike.marc research team
- HwS forum helpers
- Suddenly Scratch
- Larry Donors
- secret
- Griffidays (Griffmas) 2023
- desert duo brainrot club :confetti:
- Wiki cat archives
- The KIA
- kaj*
- Where the Evil Kumquats Reside
- notebook (za-chary)
- the bamboozlement
- Flat Earth Society
- The 29,999,999th Studio
- Drama cult
- 3-4 Character Users
- Untitled Studio
- Funeral for the Forums
- is now following is now following is now following
- H O T L E A F W A T E R C U L T (not an actual cult)
- GitHub Scratchers!
- The Slatch Saga
- Raspberries vs the Blades of Grass
- The Griffpatcher Studio 3
- the owl house King fan group
- My Prodjects From Ages Ago
- Untitled Studio