winggar » Favorites (128)
- Series of useful hacked blocks. by xlk
- FlappyCat by Lokuin
- Gravity Ball by Lokuin
- If I could have dinner with anyone... (SDS) by danielhal
- Whale by NickyNouse
- Ultimate Memory Skillz by pobber22
- String Pluck by nedink
- Scratch Is Everywhere!!! by Tweetie5
- lines by dracon44
- Retina---eye generator w/pens by dontdrop_that
- LOTR & Hobbit Memes by DatCodingGenius
- Canine Creator by Doomkitten
- Circle-Pong by kavz
- Most Talented scratcher comp by Specklepelt
- Animation Tips and Tricks by -SkyStar-
- Stop the wolf hunt! by thefox100
- Grow - Scratch Generative Art by jdudedragon
- MUSTARD! by blackandblue
- Flood it clone by gotrhythm
- Make Peace not War! (RECOLORS) by koalalover201
- Mario Party! by EquipHunt
- zOm SHOT . (alien shooting game) by pickitlow
- Redstone Simulator! (Pistons?!) by AchillesX
- Retro Racer (Multiplayer v0.6) by griffpatch
- lost in the ocean by albert-einstein
- Grandpa VS Aliens by mooham
- Epic Robot Pen Thing by Masquerola
- awesomenesses by Masquerola
- Walking Scratch by Zro716
- Potato Clicker v1.4 by Zro716
- Spiro (v3en) by rox2001
- Dropbox -The Game- v.2.0 by PeaBrainProgram
- Compositions #1 by Avalti
- Mii channel - musicXML converter testrun by webdesigner97
- buggy slime jumper by mcpower1
- The Legend of Blocklor by Minimaster7
- Forrest Gump - musicXML converter testrun by webdesigner97
- Keyboard Cat by chalkmarrow
- Artistic Creations remix by ninjagreyson
- tanks multiplayer 3D v0.8 by WO997
- The Ninja by Will_Wam
- Tomorrow's Scratch by Unrealisation
- Hoverboarder by chennai94
- Apollos by fezzinate
- Flat Scratch Cat Project: Scratchette! by sophielymes527
- 3D Pic by Layzej
- 2D Airplane Physics by Naboosf
- Reverse Psycology by AsianPotato
- Spray by stickfiregames
- Wings 3D (Flight Simulator) by stickfiregames
- Bored Button by ThePancakeMan
- Cloneformer v.1.4 by Cool_Cat22
- Crypter v1.3 by Ante22
- Make a Difference by Unrealisation
- Colour Run by Unrealisation
- The System by Unrealisation
- Color cubes by Mega_AL
- FOOL! Portal 2 by SkyleCrossi13
- Full 16 Frame Scratch Cat Walk Cycle by griffpatch
- Scratchnapped Level Designer Sandbox v0.1b by griffpatch