yetsur » Shared Projects (20)
- מי רוצה להיות בריטי למופת? by yetsur
- history quiz by yetsur
- מי רוצה להיות אחד שעובר מבחנים בהיסטוריה? by yetsur
- ?מי רוצה להיות אחד שעובר מבחנים בהיסטוריה by yetsur
- the USA next president campaign by yetsur
- kind of animation maker by yetsur
- portal, the scratch version! by yetsur
- bubble_grow by yetsur
- bubble grow by yetsur
- tic-tac-toe vs CPU v2 by yetsur
- tic-tac-toe vs CPU by yetsur
- binary transform by yetsur
- insane aquarium!! by yetsur
- the cat of DOOM!! by yetsur
- rock paper scissors of strategy!! by yetsur
- the EVIL game!! by yetsur
- sort by yetsur
- random of randoming randomalyiusness by yetsur
- snape by yetsur
- voice pong by yetsur