Scratch Conference 2025: Imagination in Action
July 24, 2025
The Scratch Conference is an international gathering of educators, researchers, and developers, sharing ideas and strategies for supporting creative learning and creative coding. Join us for hands-on workshops exploring new Scratch and ScratchJr activities, interactive panel discussions, and demonstrations of innovative Scratch extensions and integrated technologies.
Conference registration will be free for attendees and presenters. Conference is limited to ages 18+. Stay tuned for more conference program and registration news.
Interested in Presenting at the Scratch Conference? The Call for Proposals Is Now Open!
Submit your session proposal before March 14, 11:59 PM EST
We are pleased to invite session proposals from the global Scratch community. We ask you to carefully review the session proposal requirements, suggested topics, and formats in the Scratch Conference Call for Proposals Guidelines (PDF). If you are looking for inspiration, you can check out videos from last year’s conference here . If you have any questions, please contact us at: .
Session Submission Timeline
Submission form opens: February 3, 2025
Deadline for proposals: March 14, 2025, 11:59pm EST
Notifications sent out: April 4, 2025
Session Types
WORKSHOP (60 minutes). Workshops should model hands-on activities that highlight new ways of creating and collaborating with Scratch. Preference will be given to applications that demonstrate specific, actionable takeaways (lesson plans, rubrics, activities, etc) that can be easily remixed, translated, or adapted to support a variety of creative learning environments. This year, we encourage topics that emphasize Scratch integration with the arts, music, science, humanities, or real-world civic or social issues.
CHAT (60 minutes). Discuss a Scratch-related topic with one primary presenter plus up to 4 additional presenters. Your proposal should describe how you will engage the audience during the session with provocative ideas and questions to ponder. Past topics have included teacher and learner self-efficacy, digital citizenship, family engagement, project-based learning, and classroom integration. This year, we encourage topics related to digital well-being, social and emotional connections to creative learning, and other innovative ideas related to nurturing creative learners.
IGNITE TALK (9 minutes). Share examples of your current projects, research, pedagogical practices, or student work in a lively 9-minute presentation. We encourage you to consider co-presenting with a colleague to help keep your Ignite Session playful and informative. Ignite Talks should have no more than 2 co-presenters.
To submit a proposal
Read carefully through the Scratch Conference Call for Proposals Guidelines (PDF) in order to plan and develop your session submission. The PDF guide includes a link at the bottom of the document to make a copy for translation purposes.
We suggest that you draft your session proposal in a Google Doc or Word document and copy and paste your answers into the form below to avoid losing any information.
Submit your proposal via the Google Form here by March 14, 11:59pm EST:
Philanthropic Sponsorship and Nonprofit/Supporting Partner Opportunities
Reach out to Kate Littlefield ( ) if your company, foundation or nonprofit is interested in sponsoring or partnering with the Scratch Foundation to bring together thousands of educators across the world for a professional development experience that celebrates community, creative learning, and computational thinking!