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- » The New Treasures Opened Collaboration | JOIN NOW!
- Austinato
1000+ posts
The New Treasures Opened Collaboration | JOIN NOW!
T r e a s u r e s O p e n e d C o l l a b o r a t i o n
The Treasures Opened Collaboration was originally founded by Austinato and Xelophelt in 2014, however it led to a decline of activity in 2016. It's original collaboration topic continued to decline, resulting in an overhaul of how the collaboration works today in 2017.
After producing the collaboration's first game, Scratcher Kart (2014), a sequel was set for 2015 but it was later scrapped in favor of LifeForce . That game remained in slow development since mid-2015, but it was temporarily put on pause in favor for the redesign in 2017.
In April 2017, Treasures Opened was announced as a member of Project Branch, another interesting initiative by Austinato.
Apply to join the collaboration now! You will most likely be accepted if you fill out the applications below correctly:
If you intend on being a non-obligated supporter, you DO NOT need to submit an application! Simply ask below!
If you are a member of the transition team that missed the deadline, you WILL have to submit an application!
If you are a member of the transition team that missed the deadline, you WILL have to submit an application!
Apply to create art that will be used inside projects or on the forums, or for the Wiki!
Preferred Name:
Example of Art:
Have you been an artist in a collaboration before?
How active are you?
How much effort do you put in your work (1-10)?
Project Art or Logos?
Additional Notes:
Apply to work on scripts ranging from small to large or simple to advanced. This does not include cloud programming.
Preferred Name:
Specialty in Programming:
Example of Work:
Have you been a programmer for a collaboration before?
How active are you?
How much effort do you put in your work (1-10)?
Additional Notes:
Apply to create official marketting/promoting material for the entire collaboration or a specific project of the collaboration.
Preferred Name:
Text or Art?
Example of Work:
Have you been an advertiser/marketer for a collaboration before?
How active are you?
How much effort do you put in your work (1-10)?
Additional Notes:
If you would like to participate, or show support to this collaboration without full obligation, become a supporter today! An application IS NOT needed for supporters. Simply ask below.
The following people have expressed interest in participating in this new reboot, but have not been assigned positions.
- Austinato (Jan. 14, 2017)
- QuantumSingularity (Jan. 14)
- nickeljorn (Jan. 14)
- jromangoli (Jan. 16, 2017) - Programmer & Internal Artist
- drivertb (Jan. 16) - Programmer
- Jim_The_Eagle (Jan. 17) - External Artist & Programmer
- the_force (Jan. 20) - Internal/External Artist & Programmer
- customhacker (Jan. 23) - Internal Artist
- gems89 (Jan. 23) - Programmer
- EdenStudios (Jan. 24) - Internal/External Artist
- Gabubachu11 (Jan. 24) - Programmer
- gametheory22 (Mar. 18) - Programmer
Treasures Opened collaboration would like to thank these users for their contributions to this collaboration. Alongside their name is their respective dates of retirement.
- Coder & Designer EdenStudios (retired 2015)
- Designer & Topic Moderator amateurradiogeek15 (inactive; cut 2016)
- Coder talkingtoilet8 (retired 2016)
- Coder & Designer Icey29 (retired 2016)
- Coder, Leader, & Co-Leader Xelophelt (retired 2016)
- Artist Sylaenalles (cut Jan. 2017)
- Programmer & Topic Moderator makethebrainhappy (cut Jan. 2017)
- Starwarsrepublic (cut Jan. 2017)
- braxbroscratcher (cut Jan. 2017)
- Programmer talkingtoilet8 (cut Jan. 2017)
- Programmer _TigerJack21_ (cut Jan. 2017)
- ghadeer21 (cut Jan. 2017)
- Supporter MegaByteCorporations (cut Jan. 2017)
- Supporter NDSDNS (cut Jan. 2017)
Thank you for viewing our page concerning our apparatus and functions, however this post will continue to be edited to suit our future goals and current projects.
Last edited by Austinato (May 26, 2017 02:39:14)
- Austinato
1000+ posts
The New Treasures Opened Collaboration | JOIN NOW!
Scratcher Kart development confirmed (October)
Scratcher Kart developed (September-December)
Scratcher Kart released (December)
ScratchMMO scrapped (January)
Scratcher Kart 2 scrapped (January)
LifeForce development confirmed (January)
LifeForce development (January-December)
Scratcher Kart receives updates (March & April)
LifeForce development (January-December)
LifeForce development halted (January)
Upcoming platformer development confirmed (February)
Upcoming platformer development (February-)
Last edited by Austinato (April 8, 2017 17:33:08)
- Austinato
1000+ posts
The New Treasures Opened Collaboration | JOIN NOW!
This post is reserved for future use!
This post is reserved for future use!
- jromagnoli
1000+ posts
The New Treasures Opened Collaboration | JOIN NOW!
I'd like to become a programmer or an artist, I can't really decide, so I filled out both forms for you to decide:
Preferred Name: jrom
Specialty in Programming: platformers, enemy AI, costume cycles
Example of Work: Any of the pictures in my sig will send you to platformers I have made.
Have you been a programmer for a collaboration before? Yes, twice
How active are you? probably 9-10/10
How much effort do you put in your work (1-10)? 9.5/10
Additional Notes: I use lots of variables.
Artist (internal)
Preferred Name: jrom
Example of Art: uh… I guess this one will have to do.
Have you been an artist in a collaboration before? No, I have been a coder in a collab before.
How active are you? If 10 is active for like 3+ hours a day, then 10/10
How much effort do you put in your work (1-10)? 8/10
Additional Notes: Vector art is my specialty
Preferred Name: jrom
Specialty in Programming: platformers, enemy AI, costume cycles
Example of Work: Any of the pictures in my sig will send you to platformers I have made.
Have you been a programmer for a collaboration before? Yes, twice
How active are you? probably 9-10/10
How much effort do you put in your work (1-10)? 9.5/10
Additional Notes: I use lots of variables.
Artist (internal)
Preferred Name: jrom
Example of Art: uh… I guess this one will have to do.
Have you been an artist in a collaboration before? No, I have been a coder in a collab before.
How active are you? If 10 is active for like 3+ hours a day, then 10/10
How much effort do you put in your work (1-10)? 8/10
Additional Notes: Vector art is my specialty
Last edited by jromagnoli (Jan. 16, 2017 16:44:17)
- Jim_the_Eagle
500+ posts
The New Treasures Opened Collaboration | JOIN NOW!
Hello there,
nice to see, you're having another go at this, Austinato.
yes, I would like to be part of the transition team, thank you for inviting me.
sorry for the late reply, I planned to do a reboot of my own, but went to camp instead. I also haven't been on the computer for the last two days.
I'm happy to work on a new project for now, however I'd like to come back to LF at some time in the future, as I feel it has great potential.
Here's a bit of BBCode I prepared for the reboot, it might help with the current FP, particularly in the aspect of thumbnails.
Also, I have rounded up three artists that may be interested by asking on friend's profile.
EDIT: what's officailly my role? I've pretty much done almost everything in my time….
nice to see, you're having another go at this, Austinato.
yes, I would like to be part of the transition team, thank you for inviting me.
sorry for the late reply, I planned to do a reboot of my own, but went to camp instead. I also haven't been on the computer for the last two days.
I'm happy to work on a new project for now, however I'd like to come back to LF at some time in the future, as I feel it has great potential.
Here's a bit of BBCode I prepared for the reboot, it might help with the current FP, particularly in the aspect of thumbnails.
Treasures Opened Collaborations ✜ NOW HIRING NEW WAVE!
[b][big]Welcome to the official Treasures Opened discussion thread![/big][/b]
[i]Producing wonderful projects since September 2014.[/i]
[b]Treasures Opened[/b] is a collaboration founded by [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Austinato]Austinato[/url] and [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Xelophelt]Xelophelt[/url] in early September 2014. Originally a collaboration to produce a racing game titled [i]Scratcher Kart[/i] (2014), it later developed into Treasures Opened.
After producing [i]Scratcher Kart[/i] (2014), Austinato and a few other people planned out a sequel to the racing game, but it was scrapped. In early 2015 the collaboration began working on a game called [i]Life Force.[/i]
Recently, after a period of inactivity, Austinato returned from his hiatus. He assumed the role of CM, leaving the leadership to Xelophelt. After Xelophelt resigned in October 2016, [url=scratch.mit.edu/users/Jim_the_Eagle]Jim_the_Eagle[/url] became leader.
[i]LifeForce[/i] does not have a release date set, but many hope for it to come out soon.
see below for application details
[big][b]About Life Force[/b][/big]
Here is the current plot:
[quote]Bill Jobs, a boy in a future monopolised by Sunshine Enterprises, finds a book in the attic with pictures of plants and animals of today. He hides the book under his bed, knowing that it is illegal to own such a book. Each day he pulls the book out and looks at it. He soon realises that this is what the world should be like. Together with an elderly professor living across the road he embarks on a battle against Sunshine Enterprises to restore the world's plants and animals. He must battle crooked, robotic policemen and even fight the evil boss himself.[/quote]
Also, we have a [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/109934514/]BETA[/url]
If you would like to join Treasures Opened and help develop Life Force, please fill out the form below:
Name to be called:
Experience on Scratch:
Why do you want to help out?:
What field in the collaboration would you like to help in?:
Experience in that type:
[b]I, ____, promise to be an active collaborator and do my best in the collaboration. I will respect others and this entire Scratching community. If I fail to do this, I acknowledge that I may be rightfully removed from this collaboration.[/b][/quote]
If you would like to show your support for this collab without any obligation, please become a supporter. fill out the form below:
Reason for support:
[b]I, ____, would like to show my support for Treasures Opened Collaborations by becoming a supporter. I promise to be respectful and constructive in my dealings with the collaboration and the wider Scratch community.[/b][/quote]
[u][b]Head Development[/b][/u]
[b][u]Retired Members[/u][/b] — [i]Treasures Opened Collaborations would like to acknowledge the work done by these scratchers.[/i]
[big][b]Our Work[/b][/big]
[small]Development Hub Project Studio Scratcher Kart[/small][/center]
[i][big][center]To find out more about us, please visit [url=treasures-opened.wikia.com]Our Wikia[/url][/center][/big][/i]
NOTE: we used to be located [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/75148/]Here[/url]
EDIT: what's officailly my role? I've pretty much done almost everything in my time….
Last edited by Jim_the_Eagle (Jan. 16, 2017 04:28:53)
- drivertb
18 posts
The New Treasures Opened Collaboration | JOIN NOW!
Hello! I would like to apply as a programmer.
Preferred Name: drivertb
Specialty in Programming: Old-timey RPG games with good old pixel art.
Example of Work: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/138343964/
Have you been a programmer for a collaboration before? Nope, always been a loner.
How active are you? 30 minutes to 2 hours every-day.
How much effort do you put in your work (1-10)? 10, I try to make my projects top notch.
Additional Notes: The game I'm using as example is still in development, so sorry if there a few glitches.
Preferred Name: drivertb
Specialty in Programming: Old-timey RPG games with good old pixel art.
Example of Work: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/138343964/
Have you been a programmer for a collaboration before? Nope, always been a loner.
How active are you? 30 minutes to 2 hours every-day.
How much effort do you put in your work (1-10)? 10, I try to make my projects top notch.
Additional Notes: The game I'm using as example is still in development, so sorry if there a few glitches.
- Austinato
1000+ posts
The New Treasures Opened Collaboration | JOIN NOW!
I'd like to become a programmer or an artist, I can't really decide, so I filled out both forms for you to decide:Both of your applications are incredible, and we do accept multiple positions for each member (if both are considered great enough.) I have reviewed your application and you shall be both a PROGRAMMER and a ARTIST! Excellent walk-cycles, by the way.
Artist (internal)
Hello there,You may select your official role since you are a member of the transition team. You may select any of your roles you have completed before.
nice to see, you're having another go at this, Austinato.
yes, I would like to be part of the transition team, thank you for inviting me.
sorry for the late reply, I planned to do a reboot of my own, but went to camp instead. I also haven't been on the computer for the last two days.
I'm happy to work on a new project for now, however I'd like to come back to LF at some time in the future, as I feel it has great potential.
Here's a bit of BBCode I prepared for the reboot, it might help with the current FP, particularly in the aspect of thumbnails.
<snipped code>
Also, I have rounded up three artists that may be interested by asking on friend's profile.
EDIT: what's officailly my role? I've pretty much done almost everything in my time….
The BBCode you have provided is excellent - I was thinking that we could possibly create a new banner or name, but I'm not 100% sure about that (also that would need to be completed by an external Artist.) There are a few fixes that I would like to make to it, but expect to see parts of it in the main post soon!
Hello! I would like to apply as a programmer.Excellent work, and I believe you are eligible to become a programmer. You shall become a PROGRAMMER.
Preferred Name: drivertb
Specialty in Programming: Old-timey RPG games with good old pixel art.
Example of Work: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/138343964/
Have you been a programmer for a collaboration before? Nope, always been a loner.
How active are you? 30 minutes to 2 hours every-day.
How much effort do you put in your work (1-10)? 10, I try to make my projects top notch.
Additional Notes: The game I'm using as example is still in development, so sorry if there a few glitches.
- jromagnoli
1000+ posts
The New Treasures Opened Collaboration | JOIN NOW!
Great! I'll edit my post now.I'd like to become a programmer or an artist, I can't really decide, so I filled out both forms for you to decide:Both of your applications are incredible, and we do accept multiple positions for each member (if both are considered great enough.) I have reviewed your application and you shall be both a PROGRAMMER and a ARTIST! Excellent walk-cycles, by the way.
Artist (internal)
blah blah blah
- Austinato
1000+ posts
The New Treasures Opened Collaboration | JOIN NOW!
Great! I'll edit my post now.Alright.
Jim_The_Eagle, I have used your sample OP, but the member section is going to stay here until we determine a great hierarchy for our collaboration (I was thinking that we should reconfigure it if needed.)
- Decide if renaming the collaboration is necessary.
- If so, create a new banner.
- Determine what is the main focus (continue working on Life Force or a new project.)
- Create a new hierarchy or maintain the old one.
- Jim_the_Eagle
500+ posts
The New Treasures Opened Collaboration | JOIN NOW!
You may select your official role since you are a member of the transition team. You may select any of your roles you have completed before.Alright, Ithink I'll take external artist and coder. I'll do some internal art anyway as a coder. I'm happy to take any other postions you give me, but not too many
The BBCode you have provided is excellent - I was thinking that we could possibly create a new banner or name, but I'm not 100% sure about that (also that would need to be completed by an external Artist.) There are a few fixes that I would like to make to it, but expect to see parts of it in the main post soon!

thanks. I need to update the wiki news, could you help?
- icey retires
- Xelo retires
- Jim_the_Ealge becomes leader
- reboot with Austinato as leader
- Austinato
1000+ posts
The New Treasures Opened Collaboration | JOIN NOW!
I'll work on the Wiki in approximately a hour, but here's a good list of things needed for the Wiki:You may select your official role since you are a member of the transition team. You may select any of your roles you have completed before.Alright, Ithink I'll take external artist and coder. I'll do some internal art anyway as a coder. I'm happy to take any other postions you give me, but not too many
The BBCode you have provided is excellent - I was thinking that we could possibly create a new banner or name, but I'm not 100% sure about that (also that would need to be completed by an external Artist.) There are a few fixes that I would like to make to it, but expect to see parts of it in the main post soon!
thanks. I need to update the wiki news, could you help?there's more, but I can't remember……
- icey retires
- Xelo retires
- Jim_the_Ealge becomes leader
- reboot with Austinato as leader
- Icey29's retirement
- Xelophelt's retirement
- Jim_The_Eagle becomes member
- Reboot with Austinato as leader
- New page for jromangoli
- New page for drivertb
- Updated pages for new positions
- Article about the transition and failed attempts leading up to it
- LifeForce's temporary pause in development.
jromangoli and drivertb please tell me if you would like a page in our wiki (link found at the bottom of the OP.)
- jromagnoli
1000+ posts
The New Treasures Opened Collaboration | JOIN NOW!
jromangoli and drivertb please tell me if you would like a page in our wiki (link found at the bottom of the OP.)Yes.
- drivertb
18 posts
The New Treasures Opened Collaboration | JOIN NOW!
Sure, I'd like a wiki page please.
- Jim_the_Eagle
500+ posts
The New Treasures Opened Collaboration | JOIN NOW!
I'll work on the Wiki in approximately a hour, but here's a good list of things needed for the Wiki:I've done most of the news items already, but please check. thanks for writing up that list, it really helps. for the two new members, it might be hard to make pages for them before they've made contributions…… we can try and then update them later. also I'm going to track when I made that new logo, becuase that's unrecorded as yet.
- Icey29's retirement
- Xelophelt's retirement
- Jim_The_Eagle becomes member
- Reboot with Austinato as leader
- New page for jromangoli
- New page for drivertb
- Updated pages for new positions
- Article about the transition and failed attempts leading up to it
- LifeForce's temporary pause in development.
Last edited by Jim_the_Eagle (Jan. 17, 2017 18:52:40)
- Austinato
1000+ posts
The New Treasures Opened Collaboration | JOIN NOW!
Alright, thank you for your response.jromangoli and drivertb please tell me if you would like a page in our wiki (link found at the bottom of the OP.)Yes.
Sure, I'd like a wiki page please.Thank you as well!
I've done most of the news items already, but please check. thanks for writing up that list, it really helps. for the two new members, it might be hard to make pages for them before they've made contributions…… we can try and then update them later. also I'm going to track when I made that new logo, becuase that's unrecorded as yet.No problem for the list, but I'll make a page for the two new members, but make it so that when they contribute, it will be easy to update. Also, I am working on the Wiki right now and I'll make another post of needs of the Wiki when finished.
- Austinato
1000+ posts
The New Treasures Opened Collaboration | JOIN NOW!
Here is what needs to be addressed on the official Wiki, link found in the original post.
- Create pages for everyone in red on the “Ex-Members” page. This should be done later, however.
- Debate on if lists of developers should be transitioned to under game pages. These would clean up the “Members” page.
- Make the September 2016-January 2017 hiatus page more detailed (left it mainly empty.)
- Create pages for jromangoli and drivertb.
- Add mention about LifeForce's temporary pause in development under it's page, respectively.
- Add citations to the official retirement notices of Icey29 and Xelophelt.
(Thanks Jim_The_Eagle)
This post will also be linked from the main post, and continuously updated accordingly.
Thanks for reading,
Last edited by Austinato (Jan. 24, 2017 15:23:59)
- Austinato
1000+ posts
The New Treasures Opened Collaboration | JOIN NOW!
THIS list is for EVERYONE who are official members of the collaboration. Please consider helping to things needed below:
This list will not contain anything Wiki related, unless it involves the lead management of the Wiki.
- Determine our main focus in terms of a project together (RPG, operating system, or platformer.)
- Determine if updates to Scratcher Kart
(2014) shall be cut, a low-priority, or continuously sent.
- Create a larger campaign for our collaboration under “Show & Tell” or in signatures.
- Create new hierarchy or maintain old one.
- Determine if a name change is necessary.
- Determine if a change in logo is necessary (required under name change.)
- When it is January 21, 2017, officially list members under the “Transition” section as retired/cut.
One of the possible reasons for our collaboration lacking motivation and depleting on members is because we did not have a strong advertisement tactic, and I believe that should be our focus.
Part of promoting our collaboration would be using logos and banners, and a possible name-change would occur within the collaboration, but I would like a strong decision on whether or not that would be needed. If a name-change is completed, then we need a new banner.
Last edited by Austinato (Jan. 24, 2017 15:04:27)
- Austinato
1000+ posts
The New Treasures Opened Collaboration | JOIN NOW!
Daily bump - please complete the tasks above if possible.

- jromagnoli
1000+ posts
The New Treasures Opened Collaboration | JOIN NOW!
THIS list is for EVERYONE who are official members of the collaboration. Please consider helping to things needed below:
This list will not contain anything Wiki related, unless it involves the lead management of the Wiki.
- Determine our main focus in terms of a project together (RPG, operating system, or platformer.)
- Determine if updates to Scratcher Kart (2014) shall be cut, a low-priority, or continuously sent.
- When it is January 21, 2017, officially list members under the “Transition” section as retired/cut.
- Create a larger campaign for our collaboration under “Show & Tell” or in signatures.
- Determine if a name change is necessary.
- Determine if a change in logo is necessary (required under name change.)
- Create new hierarchy or maintain old one.
- I vote platformer.
- No idea what you are talking about.
- Ok.
- Will create a show and tell topic. Will need images designed to create hype, and a trailer wouldn't hurt.
- I like the current title.
- It wouldn't hurt, the current icon seems a little simple.
- I don't really care, but it all depends upon what you think will help us run efficiently.
- customhacker
1000+ posts
The New Treasures Opened Collaboration | JOIN NOW!
Preferred Name: CustomHacker
Example of Art: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/114047007/
Have you been an artist in a collaboration before? No
How active are you? 9
How much effort do you put in your work (1-10)? 8
Additional Notes: I'll support you guys. I'd like to see what you guys come up with!
Example of Art: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/114047007/
Have you been an artist in a collaboration before? No
How active are you? 9
How much effort do you put in your work (1-10)? 8
Additional Notes: I'll support you guys. I'd like to see what you guys come up with!
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- » The New Treasures Opened Collaboration | JOIN NOW!