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- AIGamesDeveloper
1000+ posts
☀️ Sunshine Studios 2.0 ☀️ {NOW OPEN AND HIRING}! Our designs will brighten your day!

Sunshine Studios 2.0
Our designs will brighten your day!
Homepage & Reviews ☀️ Forms ☀️ Staff ☀️ Partners ☀️ LTO (Limited Time Offers) ☀️ History ☀️ Achivements
Our designs will brighten your day!
Homepage & Reviews ☀️ Forms ☀️ Staff ☀️ Partners ☀️ LTO (Limited Time Offers) ☀️ History ☀️ Achivements
Have you ever wondered how to make a shop that attracts customers? Well, the first step is having a cool front page!
“But, I don't know how to make these…” We are here to help you! In Sunshine Studios, you describe how you'd like your front page to be like, and we make it, completely for free!
Please credit us for our work, thanks!
What We Sell
- Navigation Bars
- Front-pages for shops
- Shops' names & themes
- BBCode & Formatting
- Shop banners
- Shop advertising
“This is very very good, thanks” - PrincessIyanu
“Sunshine Studios will brighten your day!” - ABC12356890XYZ
The White Tiger Federation![]()
Last edited by AIGamesDeveloper (Dec. 1, 2021 15:11:07)
- AIGamesDeveloper
1000+ posts
☀️ Sunshine Studios 2.0 ☀️ {NOW OPEN AND HIRING}! Our designs will brighten your day!

Sunshine Studios 2.0
Our designs will brighten your day!
Homepage & Reviews ☀️ Forms ☀️ Staff ☀️ Partners ☀️ LTO (Limited Time Offers) ☀️ History ☀️ Achievements
Our designs will brighten your day!
Homepage & Reviews ☀️ Forms ☀️ Staff ☀️ Partners ☀️ LTO (Limited Time Offers) ☀️ History ☀️ Achievements
Order Forms
- Banner Order
Do you want a specific worker to do your order?:
Did you read the rules?:
Due date (if any):
Where should we contact you?:
Anything else?:
- Navigation Bar Order
Do you want a specific worker to do your order?:
Pages' Links:
Did you read the rules?:
Due date (if any):
Where should we contact you?:
Anything else?:
- BBCode & Formatting
Do you want a specific worker to do your order?:
Describe in detail what do you want:
Did you read the rules?:
Due date (if any):
Where should we contact you?:
Anything else?:
- Shop Ideas
Do you want a specific worker to do your order?:
What do you want (E.g. Shop Name, Slogan, Theme, etc.)?:
Any specific theme (E.g.: A slogan featuring fire)?:
Did you read the rules?:
Due date (if any):
Where should we contact you?:
Anything else?:
- Front-pages for Shops
Do you want a specific worker to do your order?:
Shop's name:
Shop's theme:
Shop's slogan:
Shop's banner:
Sections & Pages:
Do you want to include a navigation bar?:
Did you read the rules?:
Due date (if any; please note that making good front-pages takes time, so give us a reasonable deadline):
Where should we contact you?:
Anything else?:
- Shop Advertising
Your position:
Shop Owner:
Shop Banner:
Shop Link:
Do you have specific ad space in mind?:
Did you read the rules?:
Anything else?:
Staff Forms
- Application Form
We don't accept every application
Activity level:
Position (Format Helper, Partnerer, Banner Maker, etc.):
Examples of work (don't provide if you're applying for Announcer, Partnerer or Manager):
Do you own/used to work/work at any other shop(s)?:
Are you following the topic? Please do if you aren't.:
Did you read the rules?:
Anything else?:
- Break Form
Date of leaving:
Date of return:
Reason (if you want to share):
- Leave Form
Date of leaving:
Reason (if you want to share):
Did you enjoy working here?:
Other Forms
- Partner Form
We don't accept every partner request
Shop Owner's Username:
Shop's name:
Shop's motto:
Shop's link:
Shop's banner:
Why do you want to partner?:
Did you read the rules?:
Anything else?:
- Review Form
Who made your order?:
Rating out of 5 (five):
Review to put on our front page:
Rules For Customers
Section 1: Ordering
1.1 Please don't order anything inappropriate. If you do, your order will be rejected.
1.2 You have the right to say who do you want to do your order, but if 3 (three) days have passed and the worker you want hasn't taken your order, other workers have the right to take it.
1.3 If your order is kept for more than 3 (three) weeks unless the worker has a valid reason, your order will be moved to the Unclaimed Orders Center.
Section 2: Staff Relation
2.1.1 Be kind with the staff.
2.1.2 Don't rush the staff.
2.1.3 Give a reasonable deadline.
2.2.1 Be honest when you're asked to give a review.
2.2.2 If you don't like the final product, please kindly tell the staff member who made it that you don't like it and they will make changes accordingly.
2.2 BoD Rules
2.2.1 - You have to have been working here for at least 7 days to apply for the BoD
2.2.2 - Please try your best for your position
2.2.3 - The same staff rules apply, even if you are a higher rank than people
2.2.3 - Thanks for reading this! Include the word “Bright” in your BoD application. Don't make it obvious
Last edited by AIGamesDeveloper (Nov. 26, 2021 04:31:05)
- AIGamesDeveloper
1000+ posts
☀️ Sunshine Studios 2.0 ☀️ {NOW OPEN AND HIRING}! Our designs will brighten your day!

Sunshine Studios 2.0
Our designs will brighten your day!
Homepage & Reviews ☀️ Forms ☀️ Staff ☀️ Partners ☀️ LTO (Limited Time Offers) ☀️ History ☀️ Achievements
Our designs will brighten your day!
Homepage & Reviews ☀️ Forms ☀️ Staff ☀️ Partners ☀️ LTO (Limited Time Offers) ☀️ History ☀️ Achievements
Apply Today!
- we don't accept every application
Activity level:
Position (Format Helper, Partner Officer, Banner Maker, etc.):
Examples of work (don't provide if you're applying for Announcer, Partner Officer, or Manager):
Do you own/used to work/work at any other shop(s)?:
Are you following the topic? Please do if you aren't.:
Did you read the rules?:
Anything else?:
List of Workers
Owner: @AIGamesDeveloper - Founded Sunshine Studios 2.0
Original Owners: @-MyNewAccount- & PeriwinkleVibes - Founded Sunshine Studios 1.0
Managers: @-250119code2, @TheDogLover796 - Help control Sunshine Studios 2.0Communication Department
Secretary: abcde26 - Manages the Communication Department & helps with the shop in general
Announcer: zaid1442011 - Announces if something has changed in our shop to the partners.
Partner Officer: 1 SPOT OPEN - Partners with other shops, if permission was given by any of the owners.
UOC Manager: @-250119code2 - Manages the Unclaimed Orders CenterBBCode Department
Navigation Tabs Makers: zaid1442011 , 5 SPOTS OPEN - Makes Navigation Tabs.
Format Helpers: 5 SPOTS OPEN - Helps with BBCode in general
Front-Page Makers: 8 SPOTS OPEN - Makes front pages for shops.Art and Ideas Department
Banner Makers: 7 SPOTS OPEN - Makes banners for shops
PFP Makers: @abcde26 , 4 SPOTS OPEN - Makes PFP for scratchers
Shop Theme Thinkers: 5 SPOTS OPEN - Brainstorms ideas for shops.Keys
Orange: Active
Brown - On Break
Red: Left
Green: Job Open
Rules for Staff
Section 1. Orders
1.1 There's nothing as “Complete 100 orders in a week to gain 10 follows!”. Take breaks when you need (see 3.1 & 3.3 for more information), your mental & physical health is way more important than an online shop.
1.2 Please quote the order and say “Taken!” to show that you took the order. This is not needed if you're taking an order for ideas.
1.3 Please reject any orders that are inappropriate.
1.4 If you keep order by more than 3 (three) weeks unless you explain why you're keeping it that long in an owner's or manager's profile, the order will be able to be taken again and should appear in the Unclaimed Orders Center and you'll get a warning (see Section 2 for more information).
1.5 If the customer doesn't like the order you made for them, modify it accordingly. By ordering, they promise they'll be kind to you.
Section 2. Warnings
2.1 You'll get a warning if: you do what is explained in 1.4, don't answer an activity check unless you're on break (see Section 3 for more information), or if a customer leaves a review of an order made by you with 2/5 or less.
2.2 If you have 5 warnings, we'll have to fire you. You can always re-apply, but the probabilities of being accepted are low.
2.3 You can remove a warning if you answer to an activity check, or if a customer leaves a review of an order made by you with 4/5 or more.
Section 3. Activity Checks & Breaks
3.1 You're allowed to take breaks whenever you want as long as you fill out the break form. (See 1.1 for more information.)
3.2 An activity check is a post which all the staff is required to answer to prove they are active unless they are on break (see 3.1 & 3.3 for more information). If you don't answer within a week, you'll get a warning (see Section 2 for more information).
3.3 You're exempt from answering an activity check if you're on break (see 3.1 for more information).
3.4 Please include the word “Rainbow” in your Work Application to prove that you've read all of this carefully and promise to follow these rules.
Don't make it obvious.
Quick Copy-Paste


Free Space!
Last edited by AIGamesDeveloper (Jan. 2, 2022 14:40:35)
- AIGamesDeveloper
1000+ posts
☀️ Sunshine Studios 2.0 ☀️ {NOW OPEN AND HIRING}! Our designs will brighten your day!

Sunshine Studios 2.0
Our designs will brighten your day!
Homepage & Reviews ☀️ Forms ☀️ Staff ☀️ Partners ☀️ LTO (Limited Time Offers) ☀️ History ☀️ Achievements
Our designs will brighten your day!
Homepage & Reviews ☀️ Forms ☀️ Staff ☀️ Partners ☀️ LTO (Limited Time Offers) ☀️ History ☀️ Achievements
Apply Today!
- We don't accept every partner's request.
Shop Owner's Username:
Shop's name:
Shop's link:
Shop's banner:
What services does your shop provide?:
Why do you want to partner?:
Anything else?:
The Milky Way Express
The Stone Shop
The Stone Federation (No Banner Avaliable)
Radioactive Rewards![]()
Free Space!
Last edited by AIGamesDeveloper (Oct. 19, 2021 15:57:46)
- AIGamesDeveloper
1000+ posts
☀️ Sunshine Studios 2.0 ☀️ {NOW OPEN AND HIRING}! Our designs will brighten your day!

Sunshine Studios 2.0
Our designs will brighten your day!
Homepage & Reviews ☀️ Forms ☀️ Staff ☀️ Partners ☀️ LTO (Limited Time Offers) ☀️ History ☀️ Achievements
Our designs will brighten your day!
Homepage & Reviews ☀️ Forms ☀️ Staff ☀️ Partners ☀️ LTO (Limited Time Offers) ☀️ History ☀️ Achievements
Limited Time Offers!
None for now!
Last edited by AIGamesDeveloper (Nov. 3, 2021 14:55:51)
- AIGamesDeveloper
1000+ posts
☀️ Sunshine Studios 2.0 ☀️ {NOW OPEN AND HIRING}! Our designs will brighten your day!

Sunshine Studios 2.0
Our designs will brighten your day!
Homepage & Reviews ☀️ Forms ☀️ Staff ☀️ Partners ☀️ LTO (Limited Time Offers) ☀️ History ☀️ Achievements
Our designs will brighten your day!
Homepage & Reviews ☀️ Forms ☀️ Staff ☀️ Partners ☀️ LTO (Limited Time Offers) ☀️ History ☀️ Achievements
August 28, 2021: The topic is created, and after a long discussion, Sunshine Studios 1.0 was founded by @-MyNewAccount- & @PeriwinkleVibes
Read the comment thread that made Sunshine Studios born
October 11, 2021: @PeriwinkleVibes announced that she will be leaving Scratch. As a result, @-MyNewAccount- had to shut down the shop. But @AIGamesDeveloper wanted to keep the light going. So @AIGamesDeveloper, with permission, of course, opened Sunshine Studios 2.0 in honor of the original owners!
October 12, 2021: After hours of editing and putting a lot of BBCode into this shop, Sunshine Studios 2.0 is ready to open!
Last edited by AIGamesDeveloper (Oct. 19, 2021 15:55:43)
- AIGamesDeveloper
1000+ posts
☀️ Sunshine Studios 2.0 ☀️ {NOW OPEN AND HIRING}! Our designs will brighten your day!

Sunshine Studios 2.0
Our designs will brighten your day!
Homepage & Reviews ☀️ Forms ☀️ Staff ☀️ Partners ☀️ LTO (Limited Time Offers) ☀️ History ☀️ Achievements
Our designs will brighten your day!
Homepage & Reviews ☀️ Forms ☀️ Staff ☀️ Partners ☀️ LTO (Limited Time Offers) ☀️ History ☀️ Achievements
Under Construction…
Last edited by AIGamesDeveloper (Oct. 19, 2021 15:55:17)
- AIGamesDeveloper
1000+ posts
☀️ Sunshine Studios 2.0 ☀️ {NOW OPEN AND HIRING}! Our designs will brighten your day!
~reserved - extra~
- AIGamesDeveloper
1000+ posts
☀️ Sunshine Studios 2.0 ☀️ {NOW OPEN AND HIRING}! Our designs will brighten your day!
~reserved - extra~
- AIGamesDeveloper
1000+ posts
☀️ Sunshine Studios 2.0 ☀️ {NOW OPEN AND HIRING}! Our designs will brighten your day!
Sunshine Studios 2.0 is now open for business!
- GrilledCheeseBurrito
1000+ posts
☀️ Sunshine Studios 2.0 ☀️ {NOW OPEN AND HIRING}! Our designs will brighten your day!
The Stone Shop
Partnership Message
your partnership was accepted in the stone shop!
banner (well you made it LOL):

but really
You may want to check out..
The Stone Federation for help on this shop!
Partnership Message
your partnership was accepted in the stone shop!
banner (well you made it LOL):

<img src= "https://u.cubeupload.com/AIGamesDeveloper/TheStoneShop.png" ></img>
You may want to check out..
The Stone Federation for help on this shop!
Last edited by GrilledCheeseBurrito (Oct. 12, 2021 20:37:02)
- -MyNewAccount-
1000+ posts
☀️ Sunshine Studios 2.0 ☀️ {NOW OPEN AND HIRING}! Our designs will brighten your day!
This looks awesome! :0
Thanks for keeping it going
Thanks for keeping it going

- AIGamesDeveloper
1000+ posts
☀️ Sunshine Studios 2.0 ☀️ {NOW OPEN AND HIRING}! Our designs will brighten your day!
This looks awesome! :0
Thanks for keeping it going
no problem
anything to keep the light shining!
- GrilledCheeseBurrito
1000+ posts
☀️ Sunshine Studios 2.0 ☀️ {NOW OPEN AND HIRING}! Our designs will brighten your day!
The Stone Federation
Welcome to The Stone Federation!
Shop important days:
you will get this message again in 2022.
Welcome to The Stone Federation!
Shop important days:
Note: we advertise on our shop's home page
Nov. 20-23
Dec. 20-23
Order Help
Nov. 13
Dec. 13
you will get this message again in 2022.
- AIGamesDeveloper
1000+ posts
☀️ Sunshine Studios 2.0 ☀️ {NOW OPEN AND HIRING}! Our designs will brighten your day!

- AIGamesDeveloper
1000+ posts
☀️ Sunshine Studios 2.0 ☀️ {NOW OPEN AND HIRING}! Our designs will brighten your day!
waiting for orders…
- AIGamesDeveloper
1000+ posts
☀️ Sunshine Studios 2.0 ☀️ {NOW OPEN AND HIRING}! Our designs will brighten your day!

- GrilledCheeseBurrito
1000+ posts
☀️ Sunshine Studios 2.0 ☀️ {NOW OPEN AND HIRING}! Our designs will brighten your day!
The Stone Federation
Perk level upgrade message
This shop can now get Perk Level 2 in The Stone Federation.
click here to upgrade it!
Perk level upgrade message
This shop can now get Perk Level 2 in The Stone Federation.
click here to upgrade it!
Last edited by GrilledCheeseBurrito (Oct. 18, 2021 23:08:05)
- GrilledCheeseBurrito
1000+ posts
☀️ Sunshine Studios 2.0 ☀️ {NOW OPEN AND HIRING}! Our designs will brighten your day!
The Stone Federation
New schedule message
because of this shop's perk level upgrade ( Perk level 1 -> Perk level 2 ), this shop has a new schedule!
New schedule message
because of this shop's perk level upgrade ( Perk level 1 -> Perk level 2 ), this shop has a new schedule!
Oct. 27, Nov. 10, Nov. 24, Dec. 8, & Dec. 22: Order help
Oct. 31 - Nov. 2, Nov. 16 - Nov. 18, Dec. 2 - Dec. 4, & Dec. 18 - Dec. 20: Advertising
Last edited by GrilledCheeseBurrito (Oct. 19, 2021 00:58:10)
- abcde26
1000+ posts
☀️ Sunshine Studios 2.0 ☀️ {NOW OPEN AND HIRING}! Our designs will brighten your day!
Username: abcde26
Activity level: 8
Position (Format Helper, Partnerer, Banner Maker, etc.): PFP Maker and/or Banner Maker
Examples of work (don't provide if you're applying for Announcer, Partnerer or Manager):

Do you own/used to work/work at any other shop(s)?: I owned The Banner Shop, but I closed it, I used to work at LStudios 3.0 but
you know what happend
I work at The Milky Way Express
, The Website Shop and Water Otters 2.0.
Are you following the topic? Please do if you aren't.: clicked the follow discussion button in 1 millisecond
Did you read the rules?: Yes.
Anything else?: Is there a codeword I'm missing out/is hidden/it's not mentioned? “Sunrise” is for order forms, but any for
application forms?
Activity level: 8
Position (Format Helper, Partnerer, Banner Maker, etc.): PFP Maker and/or Banner Maker
Examples of work (don't provide if you're applying for Announcer, Partnerer or Manager):

Do you own/used to work/work at any other shop(s)?: I owned The Banner Shop, but I closed it, I used to work at LStudios 3.0 but
you know what happend

Are you following the topic? Please do if you aren't.: clicked the follow discussion button in 1 millisecond
Did you read the rules?: Yes.
Anything else?: Is there a codeword I'm missing out/is hidden/it's not mentioned? “Sunrise” is for order forms, but any for
application forms?