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- _AshAnimates_
1000+ posts
☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!
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W e l c o m e t o F o r e s t R e v i e w s

Visit our site! https://forest-reviews.github.io/
We Sell everything!
Our reviews are in-depth, detailed reviews that will help you improve your projects, studios, and shops!
We're hiring! Want to work on the BoD or make products for the shop? Fill out the application form!
W e l c o m e t o F o r e s t R e v i e w s

Visit our site! https://forest-reviews.github.io/
We Sell everything!
Our reviews are in-depth, detailed reviews that will help you improve your projects, studios, and shops!
We're hiring! Want to work on the BoD or make products for the shop? Fill out the application form!
Thanks! I rate this shop 10/10! This helped a lot.
It was 5/5. Great work and will come here again!
We earned these:
Banner is thanks to the Water Otters 2.0. Thanks to the Renaissance art shop for hosting it.
Thanks to Jolia_RKW for the gradient!
Last edited by _AshAnimates_ (March 9, 2022 01:48:53)
- _AshAnimates_
1000+ posts
☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!
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More packages coming soon!
We offer the following products and services:
Project Reviews
Shop Reviews
Studio Reviews
Simple siggy's
Short stories
Animated pagedolls
Picrew pfp's
Block shades
HTML & CSS code
Voice Acting
Simple intros and outro cards •New•
Image Hosting (with scratch) •New•
We also offer packages!
New Scratcher Package
*Must be a new scratcher
Profile banner
1 project thumbnail
Game Package
*Must have ordered here once before
Voice acting for 2 FEMALE characters
Some block code
1 OC
1 project thumbnail
More packages coming soon!
Last edited by _AshAnimates_ (Jan. 7, 2022 12:43:24)
- _AshAnimates_
1000+ posts
☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!
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Banner Form:
What kind of banner (shop, profile, etc.):
Due date:
Are you following the thread(required until your order is done):
Where should we notify you:
Have you read the guidelines:
PFP Form :
Where should we notify you:
Are you following this thread:
Have you read the guidelines:
Due date:
OC Form :
Moodboard and or theme:
Due date:
Are you following the thread:
Did you read the guidelines:
Form Any Other Products:
What do you want:
Have you read the rules:
Due date:
Application Form
What can you do(please list anything on our list):
Shop/federation experience:
Scratch Age:
Have you read the rules:
Partner Form for Shops
Shop name:
Shope Link:
Banner (Link only):
What benefits will you give us:
Package Form
Package you want:
Description of item 1:
Description of item 2:
Description of item 3:
Description of item 4*:
due date(must be at least 5 days):
Are you following this thread:
Where to contact you:
Have you read the terms:
*Some packages don't have a fourth item
Last edited by _AshAnimates_ (Jan. 8, 2022 13:34:06)
- _AshAnimates_
1000+ posts
☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!
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UOC (unclaimed orders center)
UOC (unclaimed orders center)
Orders Taken:
GAMS2 's profile banner order taken by Ash
Untaken orders:
@ajsya's HTML and CSS order.
Work in progress orders:
Last edited by _AshAnimates_ (Feb. 9, 2022 11:26:39)
- _AshAnimates_
1000+ posts
☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!
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Our Staff (and BoD)
Our BoD:
Status Key
firing soon
very inactive
Slightly inactive
Slightly active
pretty active
super active!!!
Strike Key
If someones status reaches very inactive, they can start receiving strikes. You need three strikes to be fired. You can 2 if your status is very inactive. If your status is firing soon, and you get another strike, your fired. Don't worry, you can reapply a week later.
*=1 strike
Other symbols Key
$= On leave
$$=on leave for a month or longer
Our Staff (and BoD)
Lead Artist: @_AshAnimates_
Artists: @hoopydoodle1029
Trainee Artists: PurviteKriwal
Lead BBcode maker:
BBcode makers: @_AshAnimates_
Trainee BBcode makers: PurviteKriwal
Lead Reviewer: @_AshAnimates_
Reviewers: @hoopydoodle1029, @Rubixcube908
Trainee Reviewers:
Interested in becoming a trainer? Employees can be taught how to train trainee's! Visit the employee's studio to learn more!
Our BoD:
Manager: @_AshAnimates_
Has complete control over the shop;can accept or decline applications;can pretty much do anything!
Assistant Manager: @GAMS2
Can accept or decline applications;becomes manager if the manager leaves or becomes inactive for 5+ months with no explanation
Comes up with ideas for the shop and announces them to the assistant manager. If assistant manager likes the ideas, they go to the manager;can NOT accept or decline applications
logs important events and writes what is discussed during any meetings.
Assistant secretary:
Fills in for the secretary when needed.
All Staff:
Last edited by _AshAnimates_ (Feb. 9, 2022 11:28:57)
- _AshAnimates_
1000+ posts
☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!
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Last edited by _AshAnimates_ (Nov. 22, 2021 21:24:34)
- _AshAnimates_
1000+ posts
☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!
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Employee rules
*Be considerate of all people! Do not turn down an order just because of someone's gender, skin color, sexual or romantic orientation. All people are valid!
*Do not take every single order! Others want a chance to shine!
*Only accept orders with the codeword
*You might be matched with a trainee. Please allow the trainee to help with aspects of the order, but not all of it!
Trainee Rules
*Do not disrespect your mentor or trainer! (Trainers are people who teach you the skills, mentors are employees who help you with orders)
*Do not complete whole orders. Allow your mentor to guide you through the process.
*Be patient! You'll training will finish eventually!
Customer Rules:
*Respect the employee who is doing your order.
*Allow at least 5 days to complete your order
*Do not write in the due date “ASAP”. I need an exact amount of time so I know what to do first.
*Hide the codeword
“The codeword is the green of the trees”
Employee rights:
- Employees have the right to decline orders that unreasonable or unfair
- Employees can take a break
- Employees can order
Customer rights:
- customers can request a change to there order if it is not what they wanted
- customers can ask for someone specific to do their order
Last edited by _AshAnimates_ (Dec. 1, 2021 11:29:08)
- _AshAnimates_
1000+ posts
☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!
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Established October 30th 2021
First federation! October 31th 2021
First Trainee October 31th 2021
Last edited by _AshAnimates_ (Dec. 1, 2021 11:28:13)
- _AshAnimates_
1000+ posts
☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!
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Special Offers
We offer a special shop review course. We train you on how to make an amazing shop. Interested in this course? Ask me about it!
Last edited by _AshAnimates_ (Dec. 1, 2021 11:26:50)
- _AshAnimates_
1000+ posts
☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!
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Message Banner:

Bump Banner:

All banners are credited to the white tiger federation and the Renaissance shop!
Shop colors
Order code:
Shop Review form (change as needed. Delete what is in brackets except for the code):
Copy and Paste Board

Message Banner:


Shop colors
Order code:
Shop Review form (change as needed. Delete what is in brackets except for the code):
[quote][big] First Look: [insert score out of ten here]:[/big][insert description here][/quote]
[quote][big] BBcode: [insert score out of ten here]:[/big][insert description here][/quote] [quote][big] Formatting: [insert score out of ten here]:[/big][insert description here][/quote]
[quote][big] Order quality [YOU MUST ORDER FROM THE SHOP YOU ARE REVIEWING BEFORE FILLING OUT THE ORDER QUALITY, CUSTOMER SERVICE AND THE SPEED SECTION! ]: [insert score out of ten here]:[/big][insert description here][/quote][quote][big] Customer service: [insert score out of ten here]:[/big][insert description here][/quote]
[quote][big] Speed: [insert score out of ten here]:[/big][insert description here][/quote]
[quote][big] Overall: [insert score out of ten here]:[/big][insert description here and list all suggestions for the shop][/quote]
Last edited by _AshAnimates_ (Dec. 16, 2021 11:18:10)
- _AshAnimates_
1000+ posts
☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!
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Banners & Artwork
-Made by Ash
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Forest Reviews!</title>
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<h1>Forest Reviews</h1>
<p>Welcome to <b>Forest Reviews</b>! Our reviews are in-depth, detailed reviews that will help you improve your
projects, studios, and shops! </p>
<p>We're hiring! Want to work on the BoD or make products for the shop? Fill out the application form! If you are
accepted, you'll need to complete the training (administered by a trainer (see Staff)) to become an employee.
Until you complete the training, you will be considered a trainee and will be of assistance to employees. You
can't work as a lead BBcode, lead artist, lead reviewer, or be on the BoD, until you are an employee!</p>
<p>We offer…</p>
<ul class=“services”>
<li>Project Reviews</li>
<li>Shop Reviews</li>
<li>Studio Reviews</li>
<li>Simple siggy's</li>
<li>Banners </li>
<li>Short stories </li>
<li>Animated pagedolls </li>
<li>Ideas </li>
<li>Picrew pfp's</li>
<li>Block shades <b class=“new”>New!</b></li>
<li>Poems <b class=“new”>New!</b></li>
<li>HTML & CSS code <b class=“new”>New!</b></li>
<li>Voice Acting <b class=“new”>New!</b></li>
<li>Simple intros and outro cards <b class=“new”>New!</b></li>
-Made by @god286
Banners & Artwork

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=“en”>
<meta charset=“UTF-8”>
<meta http-equiv=“X-UA-Compatible” content=“IE=edge”>
<meta name=“viewport” content=“width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0”>
<title>Forest Reviews!</title>
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color: #71cc3a;
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background-color: #a2eea6;
min-height: 50px;
text-align: center;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
border-radius: 5px;
.banner h1 {
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<div class=“container”>
<div class=“banner”>
<h1>Forest Reviews</h1>
<p>Welcome to <b>Forest Reviews</b>! Our reviews are in-depth, detailed reviews that will help you improve your
projects, studios, and shops! </p>
<p>We're hiring! Want to work on the BoD or make products for the shop? Fill out the application form! If you are
accepted, you'll need to complete the training (administered by a trainer (see Staff)) to become an employee.
Until you complete the training, you will be considered a trainee and will be of assistance to employees. You
can't work as a lead BBcode, lead artist, lead reviewer, or be on the BoD, until you are an employee!</p>
<p>We offer…</p>
<ul class=“services”>
<li>Project Reviews</li>
<li>Shop Reviews</li>
<li>Studio Reviews</li>
<li>Simple siggy's</li>
<li>Banners </li>
<li>Short stories </li>
<li>Animated pagedolls </li>
<li>Ideas </li>
<li>Picrew pfp's</li>
<li>Block shades <b class=“new”>New!</b></li>
<li>Poems <b class=“new”>New!</b></li>
<li>HTML & CSS code <b class=“new”>New!</b></li>
<li>Voice Acting <b class=“new”>New!</b></li>
<li>Simple intros and outro cards <b class=“new”>New!</b></li>
-Made by @god286
Last edited by _AshAnimates_ (Dec. 31, 2021 11:20:38)
- _AshAnimates_
1000+ posts
☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!
- _AshAnimates_
1000+ posts
☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!
We're officially open!
Last edited by _AshAnimates_ (Oct. 31, 2021 12:13:35)
- Jolia_RKW
1000+ posts
☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!
Username: Jolia_RKW
Your position in the shop: owner
How active is your shop: pretty active
Have you read the rules and rights?: Yes I have
Btw this is a partnership form but I'm filling out for a federation
Your position in the shop: owner
How active is your shop: pretty active
Have you read the rules and rights?: Yes I have
Btw this is a partnership form but I'm filling out for a federation
- _AshAnimates_
1000+ posts
☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!
Username: Jolia_RKWYou are… Accepted! congrats!
Your position in the shop: owner
How active is your shop: pretty active
Have you read the rules and rights?: Yes I have
Btw this is a partnership form but I'm filling out for a federation
Last edited by _AshAnimates_ (Oct. 31, 2021 12:36:38)
- Jolia_RKW
1000+ posts
☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!

Wεʟcσмε тσ тнε Wнıтε Tıɢεя Fεᴅεяαтıσп 2.0!
Here are a few reminders of what being in our federation means:
Please reply to this post if you require a banner/BBCode or have any questions.
- Your shop will receive an instant review (probably after this post!) from our experienced reviewers, unless of course, you asked for it to be delayed/cancelled
- If you need a shop banner and/or BBCode then let us know by replying to this post and we will give you further information
- Your shop, unless you've otherwise stated, will be signed up for monthly reviews that give you detailed feedback on your shop
- We will carry out periodic activity checks for our shops to help keep our joined shop list up to date
- We ask you put up our banner and a link to our shop (see here for all the resources)
- Finally, keep an eye out for our federation awards! These are friendly contests between our shops that reward the winners with achievement banners. More information will be shared when one such event opens!
~ Jolia from The White Tiger Federation
- Jolia_RKW
1000+ posts
☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!
Username: Jolia_RKW
What do you want: shop review
Link(s)(if necessary): link to shop is here
Due Date: 4 days
Have you read the Rules and rights?: Yes
Details: I'd like a review of this shop, please send the Review to my shop and notify me on my profile when it's complete
Other: this is for a test order, so do well! Also I see no codeword…?
What do you want: shop review
Link(s)(if necessary): link to shop is here
Due Date: 4 days
Have you read the Rules and rights?: Yes
Details: I'd like a review of this shop, please send the Review to my shop and notify me on my profile when it's complete
Other: this is for a test order, so do well! Also I see no codeword…?
- GrilledCheeseBurrito
1000+ posts
☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!
Username: G
rilledCheeseBu r
E xperi e nce: te n /ten, o n scratch f or almost 3 years wi t h my main, but now alt, ani h ilator999jr
How activ e are you?: VERY ac t ive, online eve r y day.
What position do you want?: Artist, BBcod e .
Have you read the Rul e s and right s ?: yes.
Other: read the bold letters.
E xperi e nce: te n /ten, o n scratch f or almost 3 years wi t h my main, but now alt, ani h ilator999jr
How activ e are you?: VERY ac t ive, online eve r y day.
What position do you want?: Artist, BBcod e .
Have you read the Rul e s and right s ?: yes.
Other: read the bold letters.
- _AshAnimates_
1000+ posts
☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!
Username: Jolia_RKWHe codeword is hidden under the rules! Youight have to zoom in on your screen!
What do you want: shop review
Link(s)(if necessary): link to shop is here
Due Date: 4 days
Have you read the Rules and rights?: Yes
Details: I'd like a review of this shop, please send the Review to my shop and notify me on my profile when it's complete
Other: this is for a test order, so do well! Also I see no codeword…?
- Jolia_RKW
1000+ posts
☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!
Oh right! Sorry I must've missed it because of the beautiful green of trees in your banner and official colours! Thank youUsername: Jolia_RKWHe codeword is hidden under the rules! Youight have to zoom in on your screen!
What do you want: shop review
Link(s)(if necessary): link to shop is here
Due Date: 4 days
Have you read the Rules and rights?: Yes
Details: I'd like a review of this shop, please send the Review to my shop and notify me on my profile when it's complete
Other: this is for a test order, so do well! Also I see no codeword…?