-MathsMan- » Favorites (53)
- Quadratic Bezier Curve by Sivanszx
- Apollonian Gasket IFS Fractal by TeslaTech
- Gear Curves (Pen) by Sivanszx
- Animated Hypocycloids (Pen) by Sivanszx
- Cubed Mandelbrot by Sivanszx
- Zoomable Julia Set by Sivanszx
- Klein Bottle and Boy Surface by Zro716
- Wave Machine / Wellenmaschine by Dan0510
- An Icosahedron - The Hard Way by Scratch-Minion
- Post-Modern Mondrian by selim_tezel
- Relative Primeness Grid by selim_tezel
- Binary Clock (100% Pen) by -Simplify-
- Optics (refraction) v0.5 by griffpatch
- Viva La Vida - Completed MAP by amylaser
- Colorless (BETA) by Nindriod7
- Hilbert Curve by DaMafflesFractalLab
- Fern IFS by DaMafflesFractalLab
- Julia Set similar to Sierpinski triangle by leszpio
- Book of Fractal Examples 100% Pen by littlebunny06
- Emento by Emberous
- Times Tables Visualized on a Circular Loom by Layzej
- Mandelbrot fractal z^3 by leszpio
- Apollonian Gasket Fractal -animation(2) by gacie
- Infinite Zoom: SierpiĆski Triangle by sticku
- Infinite zoom of a 'random' 'fractal' by sticku
- Free Energy by sticku
- Julia Set Z^2+C by leszpio
- Sierpinski Carpet by ngmr
- Space Wars by Dragon_Fractal
- Geometric Shapes Creator by TonicBoomerKewl
- Apollonian Gasket Fractal(5) by leszpio
- Random Walk on a Sphere (clones) by twins_paradox
- Mandelbrot Set Explorer 3.3D by twins_paradox
- Mandelbrot Set Explorer 2.0 by twins_paradox
- -Alone- [Platformer] by -AloneCoder-
- Sierpinski Triangle Generator by Hellodummy
- Pi Platformer by Hellodummy
- The Ultimate Game 2 by Yllie
- PenRider by Hanzhe
- Axis (A game) by BananaFlavoredBanana
- Swap! by BananaFlavoredBanana
- Rockut by Aerono
- Shufflepuck 100% Pen by ajzat25
- bounce 2 by mudlark0000
- Snowy Mountains by Crystollo
- -Mountain Climb- by -Esotoric-
- Soccer Ace [Collab] by Will_Wam
- The Tiny Platformer by Scenora
- Capture The Flag by itchy-fitzy
- Light Rider by Griff13
- Creature by -TheDoctor-
- Elastic by Haudio
- Paper Folding v1.6 by griffpatch