-Quadrivium- » Favorites (21)
- Mouse Hero by Plasmosis
- Beat the Beast (Lunar New Year Special) by GriaMolar
- Green Dots by Really_A
- Color Challenge by Really_A
- Z O O M by fmtfmtfmt2
- R!OT Just Do It [Launchpad R!OT] by -Volz-
- F L I G H T by WillboSwaggins
- Circolare by Silverdroid
- Pop the Lock by DerpyEyed
- ☁Glow Asteroids by DudmasterUltra
- Inverse by Silverdroid
- J O Y S T I C K by WillboSwaggins
- R E V E R S E by lucasoanimador
- Shortsighted by Yazlo
- Super Hexagon by novice27b
- 4D Tesseract by messwright
- Scrap by FaceOs
- Plasmo 3D NeoN by FaceOs
- Creature by -TheDoctor-
- ColorPick by Wix-
- Paddle by -Simplistic-