Scratcher Joined 1 year, 11 months ago United States
About me
"Hello! Name Rex! Nice to meet you!"
RP : *Rex is being an idiot with Lemon, my Shiny Sableye. How? The two are pranking people and
p---ing them off in the process! :D*
What I'm working on
Mother : @Sus_Cxt
Father : @-AILOT-
Big bro : @-Rocco_Da_Boi-
Ghosty-Ghost : @GH0STY-K1N
Marcus : @CoderKid_12
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (4)
View allFavorite Projects
View all- ★i-I'm back..... by Norma-life
- Sibling dance by Norma-life
- [|] GOKURAKU [|] MEME by ihaveaquestionlol
- Muffins have pink hair for a week :D by badmuffins101
- Misery x CPR (Trash post) by aajhs12
- Another new oc, Zip! ^^ by aajhs12
- singing killed my grandma but the animation quality gets worse (read instructions) by katamariunderscore
- ✨Bonita✨ by Norma-life
- {{ SMOKE IT OFF! }} Meme 301 followers!!! by badmuffins101
- Jax is learning magic? by aajhs12
- POV you stole the kids Part 2 by I_Am_A_T0ast
- Sunny found the Fizzy Faz :| by Sunny_onScratch
- ╭━━┳╮╭┳━━┳━━┳╮╭┳━━╮ ┃╭╮┃╰╯┃╭╮┃╭╮┃┃┃┃━━┫ ┃╭╮┃┃┃┃╰╯┃╰╯┃╰╯┣━━┃ ╰╯╰┻┻┻┻━━┻━╮┣━━┻━━╯ ╱╱╱╱╱╱╱╱╱╭━╯┃ by passionateflower
- Kareoki at Grillby's (I'm Goin Through Meh Undertale Phase) by LOPRO123
- Electro messed up lol by Electro-The-Robot
- - Paper Planes | Animation Meme Template - by -MaqentaReverse-
- ʚ UHH ☠ ɞ by -KIWSYY-
- SHE'S HOMELESS!! \\ MEME \\ Soot by I_Am_A_T0ast
- One of us [meme template] by Herobrinecrow
- tem bio by -_-temmie-_-1
Studios I'm Following
View allStudios I Curate
View allFollowing
View all- Hcps-Sonicha
- lunapawsly
- wHoLeSoMe_LiL_BOI
- creamytherabbit
- -_minecraftgod150_-
- Silver-The--Hedgehog
- AstroidFrost
- 1999yh
- BEachcookiE9o7
- phuonglinhngo
- Electro-The-Robot
- Norma-life
- Tab-the-Rabbit
- -_Micheal_afton_-
- badmuffins101
- Buer-The-Demon-Wisp
- Coder_Kid12
- cheesestickkk
- just_an_imposter
- I_love_TheChaosTrio
View all- Sus_Cxt
- badmuffins101
- -Rocco_Da_Boi-
- UT_Toriel
- Sleepy-Plushie-Maker
- Ellamise_and_Octavia
- -_Micheal_afton_-
- Descendantsfan4life
- _--SCP-049--_
- Xx_rejected_soul_xX
- Landon_And_Emma
- Aroace_Skelly-ton
- IamawildanimaRAWR
- YourLocalFurnace
- Electro-The-Robot
- _Zippy-And-Jingles_
- Lux-Freshcross
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